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Journal Billosaur's Journal: You know you're a pathetic loser when... 1 stand at a urinal, doing your business with one hand while checking your email on your Blackberry with the other. I swear, there must be some kind of addictive chemical in the casing of those things, because I see people hunched over them the way cavemen must have hunched over their campfires. I've seen people use them while driving!

When is there going to be a War on Blackberrys? To heck with drugs! Can't we think of the children? Nope -- too busy checking our mail on our Blackberrys

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You know you're a pathetic loser when...

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  • I've seen people use them while driving!

    Sooner or later these people will weed themselves out. Email doesn't even make sense for things like this; if someone needs to be contacted ASAP they need a freakin' pager, because email is way too unreliable.

You are an insult to my intelligence! I demand that you log off immediately.
