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Journal Billosaur's Journal: Observation about spam 1

I got another piece of lottery spam today:

Dear beneficiary,

We happily notify you of the draw of the Email Lottery Ballot - World Gaming Board Sweepstakes program held on the 31st of July, 2006 at our Lottery office complex in Den Haag.

...etc., etc.

What interests me in that 99% seem to come form the same place:

So my question is: why don't most spam filters just block that address out of hand, especially if it contains the word "lottery" in the title or body of the email? It would seem to be an easy fix.

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Observation about spam

Comments Filter:
  • Virgilio is like the AT&T of Italy. On the interweb they're sort of the Yahoo of Italy. No one wants to block their whole domain because they're Italy's largest email host (last time I checked). Maybe they need to get sued so they get their butts in line and block the spammers using their servers.

There are no data that cannot be plotted on a straight line if the axis are chosen correctly.
