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Today is a good day.

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  • slashdork is going to require me to wait around 20 or so more seconds because I post fast.

    I didn't have anything to add to your discussion except why is today a good day and tomorrow going to be better? Something good happened I take it?

    Inquiring minds outta know. :)

    there, that's around 20 seconds worth of typing.
    • The masochist in me feels that the only way to feel truly alive is through pain.

      In order to know pleasure, one must know displeasure.

      And I feel damn good.

      Not sure how much sense that makes; it's kind of why I left the journal entry so sparse. If I tried to put all of my mind's narrative into text I'd look like a raving loony ;]

[Crash programs] fail because they are based on the theory that, with nine women pregnant, you can get a baby a month. -- Wernher von Braun
