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Journal rdewald's Journal: I also love mountain girls. 6

I am in the foothills of The Front Range. If you don't know what I'm talking about, well, it's just as well. There's definitely a sub-group of feminine charm (probably a masculine one as well, I'm just mostly oblivious to it) in areas with mountains. I'd forgottem how much I appreciate it. It only takes a couple of days here to recapture my fond memories.

SamTheButcher and I are going to get together tomorrow and get really high.

We took the afternoon shift as docents at an art museum today. We talked about you guys. There's a remarkable consensus between us concerning who is an acceptable being in the human realm and who isn't. We are either both remarkably free of delusions or caught by the same ones.

I prefer the former explanation.

What is it about khaki hiking shorts?

This discussion was created by rdewald (229443) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

I also love mountain girls.

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