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Journal Em Emalb's Journal: a seven nation army couldn't hold me back.... 29

Got a question for you Server geeks....what type of KVM would you recommend?

I'm going to have 2 pcs and a laptop hooked into it, and don't have a lot of desk space. (Hence the need for a KVM)

I'm not paying for it, so money really isn't too much of an issue. Any thoughts? Anecdotes? Antidotes?

How ya'll been? The last two days when I've had a free minute, I've taken a walk down journal entry lane. I've read a lot of the journals I wrote back in the day and it's pretty cool to see the journey. Looking back at stuff like the engagement thread, the house buying thread, the wedding thread, heh, it's cool, you know?

I was digging for the link where I wrote about "the girl".

I found it: http://slashdot.org/~Em+Emalb/journal/48362/

Wow. I've written a shitload of journals over the years. Who knew?

Anyway, happy friday kids. What's the happs? Let's have fun this evening, k?

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a seven nation army couldn't hold me back....

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  • Of course he has a 0600 show tomorrow so he can't stay out late tonight. But he'll be in the afternoon. So hopefully we can grab dinner and he can see the improvements I've made to my condo. Might catch Jaws this weekend... or Clerks II. I'm intrigued by My Super Ex-Girlfriend so I need to find me a femme to buddy-buddy and go see it. I need to clean my bathroom. Vacuum. Write more (which I haven't done really anywhere). Probably not much. I need to call my mortgage company to find out if my prope
    • where would you be if I wasn't around for you to write your TO DO list? :P

      Sup broham, no knowledge dropping lately? Not too busy eh?
      • I might forget something... of course I'd be better if I actually did all of the things I say. But if I shoot 50% I think that's a pretty good average.

        Dang... just noticed I haven't written a JE in July. Probably the slowest month I've had. I guess I wanted to write some non-journal stuff but I've found that I haven't done that much either (or not as much as I'd like). Yeah, I've travelled a bit this summer (OH, Norfolk twice, Boston) but that doesn't excuse it. It's that wierd sort of procrastination:
  • Avocent [avocent.com] for your KVM. They have desktop product as well.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • i think avocent makes some nice kvm gear for the desktop. in fact i just had one ordered for me. but there are a ton of companies who make them.
    my plans for the week-end are pretty simple. the wife is playing bunko tonight so i'll be chilling with the kids. probably pop in a dvd for them and try to work on my pocket pc program that i've blown off the last couple weeks.
  • nooooooo reeeeally! i mean it man. i love you man!!!

    oooh! look! it's a cat.

    my patella hurts.
  • by Tet ( 2721 )
    Got a question for you Server geeks....what type of KVM would you recommend?

    KVM... server... does not compute! KVMs are for desktops. Seriously, a server shouldn't even have a K, V or M port on the back, so a KVM switch would be useless. If you're stuck with a weenie PC server, then yes, it probably has the ports, but there's no reason to use them. None of our servers have anything other than a power lead, a serial cable and a network cable attached. If you have the misfortune to be stuck with both a ween

    • As I explained in the entry, it's for 2 pcs and a laptop. I wanted input from server people because typically they are in the know when it comes to things such as KVMs.

      My work has 20 servers hooked into a KVM. They aren't huge servers, but they are ok. The Dell blade servers that are rack mountable. Very nice, for what they do.

      Anyway, thanks for the input.
      • by Tet ( 2721 )
        As I explained in the entry, it's for 2 pcs and a laptop.

        Heh! You don't expect me to actually read what you wrote, do you? Sheesh! Anyway, like I said, Adder KVMs are quite reasonable, and as others have said, steer clear of Belkin.

        As for this weekend, I suspect I'll be fixing up my new car that I acquired yesterday. We have a collection of 2.0 Capris, but this is a 2.8i model. It drives well, but just needs a bit of TLC. I need to fix the door lock, replace the wipers, refit the trim, sort out the wiri

      • I just thought I would tell you "KVM" is pronounced "KAVOOM!"

        Other than that, I have absolutely nothing else to add. Carry on.



    • My servers do have a K V and M. Mainly because they are standard PCs and not rackmount. I am not experience at all with a pure serial solution. How, for example, do I get an operating system on such a device? Let's take OpenBSD (I know that you know that system well, and so do I). I boot from CD, and then? Will it automatically have a serial console so that I can connect to it using a terminal? I'm just wondering, I never did such a thing. I assume the BIOS must support it and I frankly do not know

      • by Tet ( 2721 )
        Let's take OpenBSD (I know that you know that system well, and so do I). I boot from CD, and then? Will it automatically have a serial console so that I can connect to it using a terminal?

        The last rackmount OpenBSD install I did was on a Sun machine, so the serial console is handled automatically for you without the need for any OS support. My home OpenBSD firewall is x86, but it does have a KVM attached, just because it's convenient. To configure a serial console, you just need to add a single line to /e

  • has served me well, be warned, it is PS/2 + VGA only so if that lappy is lacking PS/2 ports you could be SOL.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • avocent is really good

    belkin ... it's consumer grade stuff. if we had the $$ at the time, i would have gone for the avocent

    you might also take a look at synergy [sourceforge.net] ... it might do what you want

    oh yea ... made guide at my pool functions. just a few more weeks left. getting stoked
  • I see others have already recommended against Belkin, but I'll throw in another data point against them.

    I wanted a 4-port (or more) KVM that would work with both PS/2 hosts (most of my x86 boxen) and USB hosts (my HP notebooks and my Mac mini). I had been using a 4-port D-Link PS/2 KVM with some converters to plug into USB as needed, but they wouldn't always work when powered up; you'd have to unplug/plug the adapter, wave a dead chicken, and chant some incantations to get it working. Belkin had a KVM t

If graphics hackers are so smart, why can't they get the bugs out of fresh paint?
