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Journal DaytonCIM's Journal: You gotta be kidding me... 11

Before being evacuated on US-chartered ships or US Military helicopters, Americans are being asked to sign promissory notes to repay the U.S. government for the journey.

All other nations: free of charge.

We suck.

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You gotta be kidding me...

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    • Then maybe we should have Iraqis sign notes to repay the US Taxpayers for freeing them?

      Anyway... it bothers me that people are asked to sign a piece of paper to be "saved" from a warzone. We, as a nation - as the wealthiest nation to ever exist - should step up and get people out of harms way.

      If the government can "give" millions to the families of 9/11 survivors, then the government can spend a couple million to "rent" a ship or two and get people out from under the bombs.

      This bothers me, because of the p
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Anyway... it bothers me that people are asked to sign a piece of paper to be "saved" from a warzone.
        This bothers me, because of the picture CNN is running: the one with Dad carrying his son (who is asleep with a pacifier) and they're boarding a US helicopter. God Damn It! If I'm overseas with my wife and daughters and one nation & one terrorist group decide to get stupid, then you'd better send the Marines to come get us and bring us home.
        No charge.

        The idea is that they are doing this at no charge -

      • Lebanon has been the subject of State Dept warning for time out of mind. It wasn't like people didn't know it was a dangerous place.
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          • Does the state dept. warning have small print that says "If shit goes down, you're paying us to get your ass out"?

            Well, there was certainly something about paying for emergency assistance on my last (UK) passport application - and I'm pretty sure the State Dept doesn't have small print saying "don't bother thinking before you visit hellholes, if it backfires we'll bail you out and mail the bill to Uncle Sucker".

            The point is that NO OTHER COUNTRY is charging their citizens for transport out, which I thin

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              • Funny thing is I remember something about the US invading Grenada on the pretext of protecting some American medical students.

                Wonder why this is _so_ different.

                (furthermore Lebanon has been relatively quiet for a few years now, at least safe enough to visit family and whatnot)
  • Gun barrel business deals.
  • Because U.S. Taxpayers payed for the training and ordinance that Israel has directed against Lebanon.

"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
