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Journal Em Emalb's Journal: Dead Man's chest, cutting the grass and lickadrinks... 7

Saturday, we went and watched POTC, Dead Man's Chest.

If I had to use a single word to describe this movie, it would be long.

Holy crap, I thought my ass was going to start a revolt. After the previews, disclaimers and the actual movie, I figure I'd sat there for a little over 3 hours. Ugh.

The movie had some fantastic special effects, but the plot was all over the place, parts of the movie seemed weirdly out of place, (the whole King of the Island scene) and they spent too much time building the loosely put together plot and not enough time on what was actually important, having a good plot and moving the movie along.

Friday night I got tore up. A rough estimate shows me consuming about 20 shots and a couple drinks. This was over the course of a long evening though, so I also consumed about 8 glasses of water during the evening as well, so I woke up feeling not great, but not as bad as I could of. Sometimes you just gotta get drunk, you know?

Anyway, that little tid-bit is important, because it had been about 7 weeks since I'd last cut the grass. Too busy, too wet, out of town, etc, and that's how you get to 7 weeks. So, armed with my trusty lawnmower and some trash bags, I set out on the unenviable task of taming the wilderness that is my backyard. (the front yard was ok, I managed to get that cut 3 weeks ago, it started raining right as I finished, so I didn't get to work on the backyard)

8 very large trashbags full of grass clippings later, it looks pretty good. I had to raise the blade on the mower to it's highest setting, cut it, lower to "normal" setting and cut it again. Of course, it was like 92 degrees outside and humid as shit. So I sweated. A lot. And my sweat smelled like Patron. Awesome.

So, it'll probably be a while before I drink like that again, but it was certainly fun. I'm not an obnoxious drunk, just a little bit louder, and life is more amusing to me. If I were a retard drunk with no self-control, I wouldn't get drunk. Get it?

How was your weekend?

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Dead Man's chest, cutting the grass and lickadrinks...

Comments Filter:
  • Dude, you got next year's fertilizer [] already in a bag.

    20 shots? The last time I drank that much was the last time I'll ever drink that much.

    Happy Monday.
    • nowhere to put the compost pile.

      Otherwise, you're 100% correct. I used to throw grass clippings on the pile every time I cut the grass back in NM....out here in Atown, I have no space at all to do it.

      re: the shots. In my defense, it was over the course of about 8 hours.
  • Which is sad- and dispiriting. My hope of community lies in little moments like this where the shared banal crucible of humanity is bare.

    It started out with an oil change. 15k in one year. Not bad. Now I need to fix the dents on my door. I was up the ways between Baltimore and DC so I stopped off at Lil Fatty's and I convinced him and the wife to see Raiders of the Lost Ark down at the AFI. When we arrived and sat in the old, beautifully refurbished main theater he pointed out "this is quite nice" and
    • i am a fan of anselm kiefer's work. at the st. louis museum they have brennstaebe, which includes most traditional painting mediums along with his characteristic lead, emulsion, found objects, etc. i love that the abstraction is used to create realistic landscapes. they also have one of his sculptures, the breaking of the vessels along with a couple of his smaller paintings. as if that weren't enough to make that room cool enough, they stuck a gerhard richter abstract work on one side. i have spent hou
  • i'm beginning to think that the biggest problem with dead man's chest is that the the pacing is really inconsistent. they could have kept the disjointed nature of the tacked-together plot, but improved the pacing (probably by shortening the film) and it would have made the movie a whole star better.

    whenever i hear the phrase "tore up," i think of the mooninites and meatwad. here's the episode in two parts. the referenced portion is in the first few seconds of part two. []
  • Did your showing feature a preview for the coast guard movie?

    I think Hollywood may have officially run out of ideas.
    • the Costner/Kutcher thing?

      Yeah. Ugh.

      They stopped showing previews for the Nicolas Cage half man/half dead guy superhero flick though. I was interested in that one.

The tao that can be tar(1)ed is not the entire Tao. The path that can be specified is not the Full Path.
