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Journal blinder's Journal: [SFB] Fire Escape (redux) 5

a while back i recorded this song, "fire escape" and hated everything about it, except for the actual song "writing" part of it. i hated the drums, really hated the guitar, hated the mix, hated how it came out. yeah, just about everything.

well, i re-did almost everything. wanna hear how it came out?

i've just been playing with it for a couple weeks here and there. so check it out. the lead parts were done with the new sg. i still may change things around a bit.

anyway, i've started to go back to my older material and i'm going to be re-mixing and re-doing parts and getting them put up on the new site (which doesn't have any templates yet).

well, you know the drill. listen, not listen. its up to you. comment, don't comment. again, free will and all :)

This discussion was created by blinder (153117) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[SFB] Fire Escape (redux)

Comments Filter:
  • the changes were good.
  • I rather like it. I don't know what it originally sounded like, but I still think that the mix somehow isn't quite right. I can't put my finger on exactly what, but something's wrong. The drums are perhaps a bit artificial sounding, and I think it could do with a more obvious lead line. But as I said, I like it. The second half (from about 3:14 onwards) reminds me a bit of Devin Townsend's "Infinity" album.
  • The origional was awesome. When I get to a computer that has speakers I must listen to this new fangled version to listen to your changes.
  • I really liked it, but as mentioned before it would be an interesting comparison to see it before and after. If you are interested in the critiques of someone who really has next to no musical talent, I would offer a coupoe of things. I really liked the way the it changed pace in places. The ones that stuck out in particular are at the 1:50 mark and the 3:14 mark. The only thing with the 3:14 break is I thought there was too much cymbal (I think- could be wrong but I think you know what I mean) I would
  • I listened to the new version first. I liked it. Then I went back to the original and liked parts of it. I could easily tell it was the same song but remixed.

    I like that you changed the overpowering drum. It had a thuddy saturated sound before and now that is gone. The guitar sounds much fuller. There isn't such a wide gap between the instruments anymore but you can still tell what is there.

    The one thing that I might have done differently is retain the "poppy" drum beat at the beginning and perhaps br

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