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Journal blinder's Journal: [Random} Level 41 For Breakfast! 5

and yes, i meant the curly bracket, because its random! get it?

anyway, its quiet here. ghost town like.

so yeah, i finally reached level 41 with my "main" in wow. my main, for those keeping score at home (or at work, where ever you may be keeping said score) is a night elf druid with a concentration in healing and distance attacks.

i hit level 40 last weekend, and leveled to 41 last night. why is level 41 significant. well it isn't really, it just means that now, at this point in time, i am simply 10 levels behind solemn. her level 51 hunter is the cool.

also, solemn and i decided to ditch all of my engineering training (which i had leveled to 225) to relearn everything so i could change my concetration from gnomish engineering to go with goblin engineering (the things that go boom!) so, we camped out in iron forge, sank about 40 gold into mats and i set to work making, well, everything! after about 2 or so hours, with the massive help of solemn, i got back up to 225. it was a real task. we make a good team. she was out buying mats (materials) off the ah (auction house) with our special auction house character (known as "bidder").

hmmm, what else? well - solemn is slowly turning me into a breakfast person. a year ago i would have just assumed not even bothered with eating till lunch time, now i have a "fruit box" (that would be a fruit juice box) each morning, and this morning... gasp... i had a bowl of cereal!

*sigh* well, i don't feel as sick as i usually do. i guess that's good.

oh and speaking of good. most of you probably have some idea just how smart and creative solemn is. but in reality you may not know the half of it. on friday i was talking about how i'd like to get more user participation in diysearch. well, that was all i had to say. within 20 minutes she had an idea which will radically enhance the user experience, and may just make a little noise in this little community.

i'm serious, this idea of hers, which i now have to do some development in order make happen will change everything with this project. i'm not at liberty to discuss exactly what it is right now, in that i need to hash out some of the technical details, but this is going to be good.

so yeah, check out the big brain on the dragon.

well, i should go and make myself useful around here. have a good 4th. even for you across the pond... i mean, yeah it'll be the 4th of july, and big woop and all... but have a good one.

This discussion was created by blinder (153117) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[Random} Level 41 For Breakfast!

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  • a concentration in healing and distance attacks.

    My first image with this was sniper healing. Zooming in on the target, lining up their head, then BOOM- they're healed!

    As for Sol, I was pretty stunned by her criticisms of my writing. She just instantly sees the difficulties and can explain them in like two sentences. All the things I had been banging my head against the wall for years she figured out in a read. So I have little doubt that the new DIY "it" will work out great!

    • healing and distance attacks- you're not far off on that one. He stands back and heals people. He also stands back and whomps things with spells. You can't tell which he's about to do until it's done, which makes for interesting interactions on the field.

      *cut to image of a level 51 hunter jumping in surprise at the scorched ground where a basilisk was*

      Heh, now all i gotta do is find a job where people pay me for explaining things... one that ISN'T 'kindergarten teacher' or 'museum guide.'


      blinder gets
      • Heh, now all i gotta do is find a job where people pay me for explaining things...

        I know its called Fact Totem, but I have yet to find a lucrative position in it. Maybe in Eth's administration...

        I tend to just be grumpy in the mornings, which is why its nice that I'm up and out the door before the rest of the family wakes up. I also tend to get very quiet when I'm tired. I'l think of what to say, and formulate all the words, I just won't deliver them. So if everyone's up and I'm tired, even if I'm

        • Maybe in Eth's administration...

          In my administration, there will be no facts except that which I conjure up at random.

          Basically newspapers, encyclopedias, etc. will be made up of cat /dev/random > media.

          Meanwhile, children will be forced to memorize the printed contents of this and will be flogged for failure to comply.



  • Nice to know I'm not the only one who blogs firstly about their MMO character.

    Level 65 in FFXI, baby, Dragoon/Warrior. Which is the threshold for joining runs to get your relic weapons and armor.

    I dunno, I still love FFXI because all the really high-level runs are on timers, and none of them run over three at most. Certainly there are things you can do that take longer, but they're all potentially solo activities.

"We want to create puppets that pull their own strings." -- Ann Marion "Would this make them Marionettes?" -- Jeff Daiell
