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Journal Ashtead's Journal: De-volvo-ment

Now I only have two cars again. I took the 1986 Volvo to the wreckers' this morning. So farewell, after 319531 kilometers, which is slightly more than a light-second, and 18 years which is longer than many marriages last.

I'll get used to this. I realized a while ago that I have had a strong, somewhat less than fully rational emotions about that car. Perhaps it was because it did replace one that was stolen, and I didn't want this one to be stolen either so it made me more (unreasonably?) protective? Somehow I don't feel the same about either of the other two cars, so this really is a kind of devolvement, apart from the joke about getting rid of a Volvo.... there is, or was, something else there.

I mentioned this to a pal on IRC, he said maybe "freed" was a more appropriate word when getting rid of an old car. I'll buy him a beer next time we're out drinking.

We'll see what will happen next.

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