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Journal red5's Journal: How the hell did I get here? 5

I woke up this morning in an unfamiliar bed. How the hell did I get here? Where is here exactly? What time is it?

Last night I went to thug #1's wedding. I got way too drunk on John Walker red. So much so that my friends though it necessary to check me into a motel.

Anyhow Thanks and Sorry to all the people involved. That is all for now.
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How the hell did I get here?

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  • It's "who the hell is this next to me, what's her name, and is she cute?".

    Not knowing the answer to all three is, well, rather depressing.

  • reminds me of a time I had in Tijuana. A buddy and I went down there on a friday night to drink, meet some interesting foreign girls and pillage, erm dance with them, and in general try to get laid. (Yes, I know, I'm a bad person. Hey, I was 20.) Anyhow, plenty o' hotties to dance with, plenty o' Em sandwiches, plenty o' free flowing booze.

    Well, after about 15 hours of partying, we were so drunk we were blind. :) Ended up stumbling to a cab at around 8 in the morning, saying the magic words, "America" and headed staggeringly across the border. Snagged a cab on the US side, said hotel, and both of us promptly passed out. Woke up when dude stopped the car, paid him, sat down on the curb. Simultaneous yakking. Fun. Wiped the crap off our faces, stumbled into the hotel. (This was way down by the border, I think it was a best western or something, right next to the 5) Obviously gay day clerk says holy shit, you guys look like shit, here's a room, and it's on me, (I kid you not)

    Anyhow, we both stagger off to sleep, but not before we take the dresser and wedge it in front of the door. Sure enough, about 4 hours later, the door is opened from the other side and someone (I bet I know who) was trying to get into the room. I have a feeling in my gut that homeboy was looking for an easy score. Hah. Luck was with us that day. Anyhow, we woke up, called a cab and scrammed.

    Memories :)

The young lady had an unusual list, Linked in part to a structural weakness. She set no preconditions.
