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Journal bryanthompson's Journal: MacBook and iMini - both hang like crazy 2

Have any of you guys running Intel macs had this problem? Both my iMini Duo and black MacBook randomly hang up and give me the beachball for up to 3 minutes at a time. Eventually it comes out of it and I can continue. There doesn't seem to be any repeatable steps I can go through to cause it to happen again, so it's just a random annoyance. I keep my activity monitor showing the history all the time, and during these freezes, the processors are never even close to even 1/4 of capacity. I know that sometimes disconnecting from file shares causes a hang, but this is definitely not what's happening to me.

Anyway, I'm hoping for some major patches to come out around WWDC time to fix a lot of weirdnesses I've found. When my intel macs are running well, I couldn't be happier, but I keep finding myself on the Quad G5 because it never has problems, ever.
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MacBook and iMini - both hang like crazy

Comments Filter:
  • Put linux on it. :) Just joking.

    How do you like the imini duo?
  • I don't have that problem with my Intel-based Mac Mini and I run that sucker 24-hours a day. (It drives my media centre - TV tuner, videos, iTunes, DVDs, etc.) I have 1GB RAM in that tiny box and rarely get the spinning beachball...

If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
