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Journal jokerr's Journal: Information Sources

This is more or less a rant. I submitted a poll request a couple weeks ago asking if others use Digg. The submission was rejected. Fine. After all asking Slashdot users in a pole if they use Digg could lead to a long line of trolling/flaming between the two sites. Later I submitted an "Ask Slashdot" question asking Slashdot users how they stay up to date on current technology. In short I said "Slashdot is great for some things but its not an end all means of information. How do you stay current with technology trends/programming/geek stuff?" That submission was rejected too. Wouldn't you know, a few days later a similar submission is posted. Some times you just have to love Slashdot.
  • Me: "How do you do x?"
  • Slashdot: "I'm sorry, I don't understand the question...rejected."
  • Person B: "How do you do x?"
  • Slashdot: "Good question, let me post it."
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Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine. -- Andy Warhol
