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Journal Deamos's Journal: Pissed off all day. Still pissed off. 5

and I'll probably go to sleep this way.

Ever have one of those days where you just wake up and the first thing you think is that you'd like to break something? Or someone? Or maybe both?

That's about how I've felt all day.

I've kept it in check and it hasn't been that rough of a day, I've just been anywhere from mildly aggrivated to rather angry all day. My drive home from work this evening of course didn't help because no one could seem to drive the fucking speed limit tonight.

As to the real reason I've been in a bad mood all day? I have no fucking clue; I was fine when I went to sleep last night. Just woke up angry this morning.

With any luck I'll wake up tomorrow morning and be calm again.

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Pissed off all day. Still pissed off.

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  • I felt like that Tuesday before last. It started off with my grandfather insisting I get up at around 10AM, when I really didn't want to.

    I stay up late Sunday and Mondays, because I don't start work on Mondays and Tuesdays until 4PM. So I at 10AM on that particular day, I was operating on seven hours of sleep when I had anticipated about nine.

    Really, all you can do is look forward to waking up tomorrow.
    • That's about all I'm doing is hoping to wake up in a better mood in the morning.

      It has just been a while since I've had a day where I was pretty much pissed off at the world and felt like I should complain about it.

  • ... you're a psychic Carolina fan?

    Muwahahahaha... (-:

    • Heh.

      Actually I'm a Penguins fan, though I don't know how much longer the Penguins will actually exist.

      However they didn't finish dead last this year, The Blues actually managed that feat, so its an improvement from the last full season.

      Its amazing that the Edmonton has actually come back, but that's hockey for ya.

"It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but the result's the same." - Mike Dennison
