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Journal HokieSeas's Journal: [LONG] Things finally slowing down....

The last week or so has been hell at work. Unexpected deadlines, submittal packages to be assembled, calculations computed. Since we were talking about a set date, that couldn't be changed, I would of thought more than a week's notice would of been given to me, but it wasn't. Anyways, as of yesterday things are slowing down a bit.

6/1/06 - It is passed on to me that the next morning I am to meet with the client and another consultant to assemble a package that needs to be turned in to the city planning department by 5:00 6/12/06. It is a companion package to a property use application for this project the client is submitting on the 12th as well. The approval of our package will be needed before the use application can be approved.

6/2/06 - Myself and a coworker meet with client, and this other consultant on the requirements for this submittal package in the afternoon, related to water front environmental regulations, around here known as the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act (CBPA). The consultant specializes in waterfront landscaping concepts and planning. Looked up some of his work in the Pittsburgh area, looks good. Should be a nice addition to this particular project. Meeting lasts about 2 hours, we pass on to the consultant all the local regulations that will apply to what he is providing us.

6/5/06 - I wrap up my current project and start this new package. It looks to be fairly indepth involving about a 30 page report with regulatory calculations and 6 large size exhibit drawings, 2 supplied by my company, 4 supplied by the out of town consultant. Coworker starts on the calculations, I start on the exhibit and report.

6/7/06 - Meet with the city reviewer who will be reviewing this project and give him a heads up what we are doing, show him some preliminary exhibits, and get some feed back and direction from him regarding how we are meeting the CBPA regulations.

6/8/06 - Begin making revisions to plans based on previous meeting. Send new design files to consultant, as well as pdf files of our exhibits to the client and the consultant. Begin working on the text portion of the report. City reviewer calls me, suggests that I do not turn in my CBPA package on the 12th. He tells me that his department is not supposed to accept or begin reviewing submitted packages until the top department deems the use application complete in order to start the review process. I tell him that's nice, but my client is telling me to turn it in on the 12th, and he is the one paying my bills, but I will pass your suggestion to my client and see what he says.

6/9/06 - Get preliminary exhibits from consultant, review them, respond to the consultant with the issues I see, they agree and will revise and finish up their exhibits and get them to us monday. Client directs me to go ahead and plan on submitting on the 12th.

6/12/06 - Due day. About 9:00 we finish our internal review of our report and exhibits. Begin printing and plotting. Do a quick count and it looks like we will need 14 copies of this package. Have our large scale plotter and laser printer working nearly constantly up until about 1:00. Start to get concerned that we haven't heard from our consultant yet, call him. Wouldn't you know it. His emails of the exhibits are being bounced back to him. Don't know why, my mailbox is empty, and they are not large files. They finally start coming through after being sent one at a time. It is now almost 2:00, time is ticking away and I am now uncertain we have enough time to print out all the copies of the consultants exhibits in time to get the packages delivered before 5:00. Client calls me about the same time, he finally talked to the city reviewer, and with an onsite meeting scheduled for 6/14/06 to discuss other issues that could affect my submittal package, he tells me to hold the package, do not submit. The property use package is still going in, but someone else is providing that package. Slightly relieved, but also a bit frustrated at what we went through the previous week to get this thing done. But, it is nearly done, and may only need slight revision to get in for the next submittal date, 6/26/06.

6/13/06 - New fire to put out. Apparently around 4:00 PM on 6/12/06, an hour before the property use package was due, that consultant (different than landscape guy) emailed my boss and basically said "oh crap, we need this particular exhibit and we don't have it but we talked the city into letting us turn the exhibit in late tomorrow morning (6/13/06), but we need it ASAP". Unknown to them, my boss was out at a job site for a 24 hour well monitoring job. This particular "oh crap" email gets forwarded to me at 8:00 PM so it is the first thing I see when I walk in this morning. As it turns out, my boss emailed this particular consultant on 5/21/06 asking if they needed anything for this package, they never responded. So I get the requirements needed for this exhibit and instantly get a little pissed off. From how in depth this is, I probably should of been working on this all last week then the other package that got put on hold. I call the client, then this particular consultant and inform them I think can get something half-assed by the end of the day. As it turns out, everything required for this particular document I basically already have, but some information is in a report over here, other parts is from this report over there, basically spread out in all these different documents we have been putting together for the last few months, but I need it all in one place, on one exhibit. The client doesn't like what I have to say, but he understands I have been put in a box again and tells me just to get on it and produce another miracle so this application doesn't get rejected and we get behind schedule another month. I talk to the consultant and he tells me they have bought more time, this exhibit has to be in by thursday before the review person they are dealing with leaves on vacation. I tell him I think I can make that happen, get off the phone and start working. End of the day I email a copy of the exhibit to both client and the consultant for review.

6/14/06 - I get comments back from the consultant, quite a bit fewer than I was expecting, make my changes, start plotting, have someone deliver the exhibits by the end of the day, crisis averted.

6/15/06 - Begin getting information back regarding the site visit on the 14th, start looking at what changes need to be made on the delayed package and planning for that. Conference call planned for the morning of the 6/19/06 to discuss these changes, decide I can put this project off until then, start working on another project so I can get my mind off of this one for a while.
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[LONG] Things finally slowing down....

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