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Journal blinder's Journal: OMG!!! Chocolate Cake!!111oneeleven!!1 4

solemn made probably the best chocolate cake, evar!!!
a petit four with strawberry jam and chocolate frosting... seven layers! count 'em! seven!

wow, i've never had anything quite this amazingly chocolaty yummy than this.

anyway, we spent a good part of the day walking around quincy market looking at trinkets and what not, and just generally trying to enjoy the day.

now a question, how many of you out there ignore your family on your birthday? i don't mean that in a mean sense, i mean, are those out there that set boundaries that include not permiting family drama to intrude on your special day?

This discussion was created by blinder (153117) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

OMG!!! Chocolate Cake!!111oneeleven!!1

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • How I miss thee. :(
    Good on the cake, sounds amazing. ...

    Egad! Now my craving for creamy cocoa must be sated! /runs to the cupboard
  • by ryanr ( 30917 ) *
    I was thinking about you last night. I was at a show at Gilman Street, looking at all the zines for sale.
  • Firstly, happy birthday blinder. I spent most of yesterday off dot, or I would have been more punctual about it. You're everyone's favorite stright edge, hardcore, musician / java guru / zine publisher. We couldn't not have well wishes for you if we tried.

    Secondly, my family and even my extended family has learned not to enhance drama on special days. The only time drama is allowed to invade a birthday is in the case of a death or hospitialization (which of course cannot be helped).

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