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Journal Pancho Pistolas's Journal: Zen and the Art of being Pancho 4

We get one lifetime, and it's plenty of time for everything that's important. Best not pass up any opportunities when they come one's way, because every one of them is a precious gift.

When in doubt, dance like nobody's looking. They usually aren't.

Experts agree that experts hardly ever agree on anything, so all counsel should be taken with a grain of salt.

Every particle in your body is from the very earth you walk upon, and every particle on this earth came from somewhere in deep space. This makes you as significant as the very stars and as insignificant as space dust. But it also means you were, are, and always will be.

One should never be afraid of making mistakes; in fact, we should all strive to not only embrace them, but to look forward to the wisdom and freedom each one brings. Sometimes one can't truly appreciate life until looking at a rainbow that results from the torrent of water springing up from that fire hydrant they just drove through.

Sample everything, especially the things you don't want to.

Be outspoken. Be discreet. Be quiet and yell your head off. The tree that falls in the forest might well scream all the way down when no one is listening.

Assume nothing and be open to everything.

Strive to be here now.

Don't take yourself or anything too seriously. Someday you too may be walking around with your fly wide open or your skirt tucked into your hose; better then that you laugh at yourself than find yourself mortified.

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Zen and the Art of being Pancho

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  • One should never be afraid of making mistakes; in fact, we should all strive to not only embrace them, but to look forward to the wisdom and freedom each one brings. Sometimes one can't truly appreciate life until looking at a rainbow that results from the torrent of water springing up from that fire hydrant they just drove through.

    Given the number of mistakes I always make, one would think I would be very wise by now, but apparently not.

    Someday you too may be walking around with your fly wide open or your

    • Given the number of mistakes I always make, one would think I would be very wise by now, but apparently not.

      You'd be amazed at the number of people who, in your position, would think they _are_ very wise. You, however have the wisdom to know better. :^b Seriously, most people fail to see the wisdom they actually have-- I'd bet you've gained a lot more wisdom than you think.

      If I start wearing pantyhose, tucking my shirt into them will be the least of my problems :-)

      Aw maaaaan! There goes breakfast... ::wi
  • When in doubt, dance like nobody's looking. They usually aren't.

    And when they are, it doesn't matter nearly as much as you think it does.

Where there's a will, there's an Inheritance Tax.
