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Journal HokieSeas's Journal: Tales of the Hokie 1

Coming across old pictures will usually do one of two things to someone. Make them think about the enjoyable moment the picture captured and the associated memories with that time. Or, make them grab a rifle and head for the nearest clock tower.

Well, I came across one last night that was of the first type. It was from the summer of 1998 and I was in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire on a summer project with about 40 or 50 other students from across the country. We all lived in one house a few blocks from the beach. A big house. Three stories tall, and when not housing students like us rented out rooms to vacationers. At the end of the summer we were helping the owner get it ready for the fall and winter seasons so we were moving all these beds around and putting them in storage when my friend Tony and I got an idea. At the end of the main hall (quite long) there were a bunch of mattresses stacked up waiting to be moved. Grabbing a skateboard and a helmet out of the toy box (yes, the house had a toy box) resulted in this , running all the way down the hall way into the mattresses.

Why you may ask?

I don't know. Probably because we could.
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Tales of the Hokie

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If graphics hackers are so smart, why can't they get the bugs out of fresh paint?
