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Operating Systems

Journal Saint Aardvark's Journal: Witness the up long grass! 2

I've finally got Danconia up and running OpenBSD 3.9. It's now officially my firewall box, taking over duties from Rearden (Debian desktop machine). As always, the simplicity and featurefullosityness of pf just astounds me. A simple thing like not loading the rules if there's a syntax error is such a butt-saver, I'm amazed it hasn't been implemented in iptables or ipfw. (Of course, pf loads all the rules at once, rather than one at a time, so it's a different approach...but still.)

Next step is to get my IPv6 tunnel from HE up and running. I hadn't realized it, but OpenBSD does not use stf, the 6to4 IPv6 interface, because of security concerns. I'm gonna have to do some reading on this, I think. (Incidentally, why does this link say RFC 3694 is a "Threat Analysis of the Geopriv Protocol"?)

I've ordered a replacement power supply for the dying XBox I'm using for a MythTV frontend. It had been behaving badly for a while after the move, and then finally it just would not find the hard drive at all. The HD was fine -- I could plug it into another box and it'd work great (though in the process I had another hard drive actually catch fire -- 3" flame and all -- which was a pisser) -- and it could boot from a CD just fine. What's left? That's right, the power supply. Well, I hope so, anyhow. Inna meantime, I've set up the backend as a frontend; other than some occasional odd slowness deleting previously recorded shows, it's working fine.

Finally, as of last Friday my wife and I have been married five years. Since we're such hopeless romantics, I gave her a cupcake from Tim Horton's, and she gave me this fine dollar-store sculpture. We saw it a few weeks ago and it cracked me up. And then I read the label. As I have, as instructed, planted the elucidation, I will be posting pictures as I witness the up long grass.

We are also less than one month from The Due Date. I am busy doing practical things like putting up smoke alarms, baking food to put in the freezer, and insisting that we pack the hospital bag now. Clara has shown amazing patience with my sudden neurotic compulsion to be A Responsible Adult(TM).

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Witness the up long grass!

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  • by ryanr ( 30917 ) *
    Somebody's nesting...

    Yes, I quite like PF. Takes some getting used to, and the docs aren't quite complete in a couple of spots, but it's probably the best firewall I've used.

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