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Journal HokieSeas's Journal: Rainbow Man 1

Due to an article on about weird hairdos in sports, they mentioned the Rainbow Man, who was seen through the 70's and 80's at all kinds of events in a rainbow wig and holding a "John 3:16" sign. With a little side note in the picture caption about something odd happening to him and he was arrested, I looked for more information and wikipedia spit this back out at me:

Rollen Stewart (born 1955), also known as Rockin' Rollen and Rainbow Man, was a fixture in American sports culture best known for wearing a rainbow-colored wig and holding up signs reading "John 3:16" at sporting events around the United States in the 1980s.

In the late 1980s, he began a string of bombings, mostly with stink bombs, in churches and Christian bookstores. He was then arrested in 1992 after a standoff in a California hotel during which he entered a vacant room with two men he was attempting to kidnap and surprised a chambermaid who then locked herself in the bathroom. He is currently serving out a life sentence in jail on kidnapping charges.

Wow. Who would of guessed the ending to this story.

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Rainbow Man

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  • I had a college professor that claims to have met him. Says he walked up to him and asked him what the deal was, with the rainbow wig.

    Reportedly, the answer was that he was independently wealthy, and thought it would be fun to see how many different times he could get seen on TV. He didn't have a job - he just bought tickets (and travel) to sporting events; wore the wig, I tried to get seen on TV.

If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to invent it.
