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User Journal

Journal gooman's Journal: Another Rejection!

I thought this one was good, I shall resubmit it...
Ever wondered what happens when "Gangstas" and "Hackas" collide? Clearly one of the more unusual automotive modifications I've ever seen: The wheel is called the Pimpstar which contains (as near as I can tell) six multi-colored LED strips that when standing still have this cool Cylon/KIT-car effect. But wait there's more... When they spin, the wheels become full color displays! Outrageously expensive at $12k-20k per set. Each wheel can be programmed individually to display whatever pictures you want to use distract other drivers (Plus, you get to distract yourself trying to operate your laptop while driving. Neat!). Check out the flash video to see it in action. It just goes to show that inside every thug is a nerd yearning to break free.

Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. - Kahlil Gibran
