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Journal Unski's Journal: Zonk Block Rescinded 3

In my previous, long-winded journal entry I touched on one of the big benefits of being a logged-in user; the ability to block the story submissions of certain members. It was because of Zonk that I ever bothered to log-in at all. I had to stem the flow, it was too much. Slashdot had become the sock into which Zonk ejaculated all too frequently with stories that often overlapped with other content from the rest of the /. submitters. But lately, I have found myself circumventing my own Zonk block more and more, as the stories have somehow, intangibly become more interesting to me. I have noticed that it is Zonk's stories which get me participating more than any other submitters, and therefore with a conflicted sense of pomposity, I hereby rescind the Zonk block until such time as he becomes quite annoying again.

Just take my advice, don't check out the picture of him which (I think) is linked somewhere from his journal, the urban nightmare that is his retro flat cap is still giving me nightmares..
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Zonk Block Rescinded

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  • I agree - Zonk is annoying, but I never thought of blocking him - he reminds me a bit of the sort of naive excitement the original slashdot editors used to have (although I gotta say, I do like it when Taco does the occasional longer piece).

    Anyway, I find it easier to just ignore Zonk aritcles until they've settled down a little, then read them (and at -1 for the humour)

    Just take my advice, don't check out the picture of him which (I think) is linked somewhere from his journal, the urban nightmare that is h
    • Oh crap - I also wanted to mention, I read your first journal ages ago & thought it was an interesting read. I read it nodding during the introduction, but didn't really agree with your conclusions... (instead of withdrawing, frankly just try and break the /. cliques - and grab a few karma points here and there as well!)

      And thanks for helpin' me out on my diary btw - nice of ya :-)
      • doesn't read so well to me either, one month on. I'd go so far as to say it is hypocritical; I dispute the notion of karma and the system, and yet pervading the whole entry is a bitterness at being modded into oblivion. Nowadays, I truly don't care, and I would have tempered the ending with hindsight. Moreover, I do see your point about not withdrawing, although I would counter that with saying that withdrawing is the only way to send a message to Slashdot. Participation = Page Views = Money to maintai

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