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Journal DG's Journal: Almost Done AOC...

Almost there.....

I've been working on the home study portion of my Army Operation Course for the past three months - it's the Junior Staff Officer course. Imagine doing an MBA in three months and you've got a pretty good idea of what I've been going through. Four papers, 44 pages of "answer the questions", and an online PO check.

All I have left to do is the "Chair a Meeting" EO check, and then do the readings and the online PO check for the Finance module, and all the home study is DONE DONE DONE. Then it's just two weeks in residence at Meaford and I'm ALL FINISHED.

Principles of Military Writing, Military Ethics, Principles of the Military Training System, Assess Subordinates, Conflict Resolution and Resolution of Grievances, Unit Finance.... does ANY of this sound like fun?

It isn't. Death By Semicolon.


I've been resisting taking this course for years, because once you have it, you can be promoted into staff positions. Lacking it, you have to stay as a Troop Leader, which is a Command position. But... well... we've got some good young Lts coming up who will need troops to lead, and if I'm squatting on one like a big ol' spider then they lose out. I've had a good run as a Troop Leader, but it's time to move up, and that means spending some time in Staff Hell before I can take command of the Squadron.

I've got one more big exercise as a Troop Leader, and then I'll have to turn over my Troop.


Anyway, time to focus on the good stuff - almost done AOC!


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Almost Done AOC...

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The young lady had an unusual list, Linked in part to a structural weakness. She set no preconditions.
