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Journal bellus quies's Journal: Busy, busy, busy 1

Well, I haven't updated in a while. It's been a busy couple of weeks.

2 weeks ago my dad visited me for the first time since I moved out. He hadn't been to Austin before and was very surprised at how un-stereotypically Texan it was, and had somewhat the same vibe as LA. It was good that he got out as he hasn't had a vacation in a while and tends towards holeing up in his lab at work and not coming up for air. Being the workaholic mad scientist that he is.

The next trip that he has planned is for my sister's first bout, as she just tried out for a rollergirl league and made it onto their freshmeat team of newbies. It's awesome, as she has a blast kicking bitches asses, blowing off steam after work during practices. Putting her 6'2" frame and basketball blocking abilities to good use on the rink. I can't wait to see her play too, but I'm not sure when I can schedule a flight up there tha tcoincides with a game.

Last week I was out at my boyfriend's family's house for Easter, and I had a surprisingly good time. As previously going over there has equated to drama, and doominess. This trip was pleasantly doom free, and low on the drama scale. I had a good time chatting up his mom and helping out with dinner. Oooo, I also made a non-dairy tofu double chocolate cheesecake pie. It turned out really good and was exceptionally easy to make. It had the texture of a french silk pie with the tartness of cheesecake.

Then last night was kickball. As I enlisted myself and my boyfriend for a coed sports social league for kickball and in the future dodgeball. It was so much beer laden fun, as our team was a conglomeration of people who didn't know each other beforehand (unlike some coworker teams) so we had a blast chatting over beers and tacos pre-game, then segued to the bar afterward for a pitcher or two of XX.

One of our teammates ended up chatting up another team that was at the bar, and we have a losers exhibition game set up so that we can play/practice with each other. As my team lost 2-12, and their team lost 1-13. So basically it's an excuse to BBQ, tailgate beforehand and then play a rowdy game of kickball with the amazingly over-sized ball. Too much fun. I have planned to bring out a water cooler full of margaritas to share with everyone. As there are a couple of girls (including me) that aren't big fans of beer and would like an alternative as most forgot to bring their jack and coke out for the first game.

As for right now I'm pretty tired and silly, as I use the silliness to combat the sleep deprivation. Which I'm sure bugged my boyfriend a bit this morning as I was singing the effervescent-vitamin-drink song as I mixed up a cold glass of b-12 laden fizz. Then that song segued into the shnappy crocodil song that they've been playing on the radios in the morning. Ah, good silly times.

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Busy, busy, busy

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  • It is not OK to mention I also made a non-dairy tofu double chocolate cheesecake pie. in passing without a recipe! ;-)

    I'm also very glad that you could have a good Easter without any drama. That's pretty cool!

On the eighth day, God created FORTRAN.
