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Journal k31's Journal: Undiagnosed Insanity

Most of my journal entries here have been, at best, little notes to myself. I don't really think anyone reads this space, and most of the time, I forget I have it, totally.

However, right now I feel that the last post, back in feb. 2006, needs a bit more (or less) to follow it.

You see, something is wrong with "my space". Not the website, but I more mean my room and so forth. However, to be more precise, it's that something is amiss with my "energy system" and I see it manifested more clearly in space which is basically static and which I can control more precisely.

What it is, indirectly, is that I'm dealing with people who have undiagnosed mental illnesses from day to day, and it is "getting to me"; but not nearly as much as it used to, say, three years ago. So overall I'm actually proud of my personal development in gaining partial immunity to "them", "those crazy people", but I am still striving to eliminate both the effects and the frequency of my interaction with them.

Here are some things which are small in themselves, but weird, and somewhat recent:

- Since Sunday, 2 April, 2006, a local politician's office has had a dead cat and dead toad lying in front of the secondary (mostly disused) entrance to the front yard. The toad, no-one seemed to notice at all, but the dead cat calmly decayed until the present. I'm not sure , but I think this is a health and safety violation. More weird is that I've never seen that happen before. Dead animals don't litter the streets here; you call the sanitation department and they take care of it. However, for some reason, no-one has done either the former or the latter, for more than a week.

- This guy who's a quasi-supervisor at a local cinema, where I was training to be a Projectionist (they call it "operator" there, for some reason - must be the culture of that particular business), called me in the middle of the night. Actually, he called at least a dozen times, but I didn't notice until I got up for a snack and saw my cell phone wanted my attention. Upon answering, he accused his girlfriend of being there, saying that he had reliable news that it was true.

Somehow, I was in a calm mood... I probally thought it was an April Fool's joke... and explained to him that if he thought his girlfriend was with me, then he was a total idiot. Mind you, I've seen the chick twice, when he asked me to accompany him to visit her. She treats him with the scant disrespect that one usually reserves for annoying pests like mosquitoes or dead cats on the sidewalk, even shunning physical contact with him. However, it seems the guy is stuck on memories of when they had a better relationship and, moreover, paranoid and delusional as to their current status.

In my opinion, she's the last girl I'd associate myself with; but the weird thing is that he ended the conversation by changing tone and going "well, okay, I'll see you soon then" as if he hadn't insulted me majorly, woken me up in the middle of the night, and believed a rumour over me.

- And then he called back the next evening with the same accusation. So I explecated in his direction, and resolved to shun him in the future.

- According to my cell phone, he and/or some chick that he wants me to drop home or something have called at least 30 times in the last 3 hours or so. They don't leave a message,they just hang up and call back. Talk about definition of insanity. Needless to say, I'm not answering. I don't do favours for insane people... at least not for free, and certainly not when they take me for granted.

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Undiagnosed Insanity

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