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Journal Allen Zadr's Journal: Just saw an AT&T Commercial 4

Techno-Geek Rant. Sorry...

It was a whole bunch of stuff about AT&T working with synthesized voice, and they are clearly talking themselves up. No surprise. But what bothered me is they were showing all of these popular-entertainment computer voices (from War Games, etc.) No big deal, but then they start playing digitized voice (recorded voice played by computers... as if it's the same), K.I.T.T. (William Daniels) and finally a modern GPS/Talking mapper.

Jumping subjects, and assuming people are stupid. Why is it that Chatty Kathy dolls had much better voices than anything AT&T could do back in 1965? Because they used RECORDINGS.

Voice digitizing is easy. Voice synthesis is very hard.

This discussion was created by Allen Zadr (767458) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Just saw an AT&T Commercial

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