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Journal dead sun's Journal: Kingdom Hearts 2 2

Well, I went and used one of my Christmas gifts, a gift card to GameStop, to subsidise a portion of Kingdom Hearts 2. I started playing over the weekend, and well, when is the last time you've played a game with a three hour introduction/prologue sort of thing?

Seriously, it took me just over three hours to get out of Roxas and into Sora. Over three hours before Donald and Goofy show up. Three hours before I'm doing more than running the odd errand or beating people up in "Struggle". I don't mind in the least a little introductory period where commands are taught. I don't mind getting a little story out of the way early. But three hours of it? Oy.

I realize now I should have made a save immediately after becoming Sora and just not touched that. Too bad I've used that save a couple times afterwards.

Once I get down to business with the game itself, well, maybe I'll just have to post something on that too.
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Kingdom Hearts 2

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  • I have the first one, and the one for the GBA. It really doesn't seem like a game for kids, does it, with all that intro and stuff? But it seems too melodramatic and preachy and silly for adults, too, in places. I liked Tarzan's giant treehouse thing in the first one, though. Oh, and I tried to take the worlds out of series in the GBA version, because you supposedly can, but I got stuck, absolutely stuck, on one planet, because I didn't have a skill I needed to get from another planet first. Oh, and then my
    • I've the first one and the GBA one as well. The first one wasn't too difficult, though I never did beat Sephiroth. I haven't beaten Chain of Memories on the GBA yet, I got stuck on the Riku after the final world and before the castle. So I have a few more bosses to go after that I assume, though I'm pretty close to the end. Still, the first three hours seem to refer to quite a bit that's happened with Chain of Memories, so maybe I'll try to invest the time into power leveling for a bit and try big Mr. Riku

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