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Journal frankie's Journal: Dear Friend (survey series, parts 3 and 4)

So not only did the RNC not remove me from their mailing list, they apparently added me to the "responds to surveys" extra-mailing list. Last week I got another one from Liddy Dole, on behalf of the Republican National Senatorial Committee. The RNSC surveys are finer-grained than Ken Mehlman's ones; they even invited a couple free text responses. Nevertheless, some of the leading questions were rather excessive, such as:

Do you believe that increasing our majority in the Senate is vital to advancing President Bush's proposals for America?

Well, yes, that claim is undeniably true. However, if you had asked me if I think doing so is a good idea, you'd get a much different answer.

I quickly filled it out and mailed it back, with the same returned check from the previous 2 surveys. Then yesterday I got another letter from RNSC, but not a rejection this time. Instead it was yet another RNSC survey, now with a Bill Frist cover letter. Similar format to the previous one but with a different variation of questions. It's in the mail this morning, with both my figurative and literal two cents worth.

As always, I support reducing the federal budget and reforming public education, while I oppose the marriage amendment and pretty much all of Bush's military proposals. And once again, the money shot:

(*) YES, I will support the RNSC with my contribution of:
( )$250, ( )$100, ( )$25, (*)Other:__$0.02__

As long as they're willing to pay round-trip postage, I'm happy to keep playing along.

p.s. I'm also on the environmental lobby shared mailing list, after donating to the Nature Conservancy in December. The NRDC wanted me to sign their petition (and a little moolah if I wouldn't mind). Their cover letter was from RFK Jr. His invective is harsh sometimes, but on a scale of 10 == "God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it!'" he scores maybe a 6. They got a check too, same digits as for RNSC but in a different order.

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Dear Friend (survey series, parts 3 and 4)

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