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United States

Journal shankar2k's Journal: Blitzkrieg!*

[Note: Most of the icons I choose for these entries are makeshift at best, but for the following few entries, it really fits]

In the middle of thoroughly grueling semester, Spring Break as finally arrived! I am going on a road trip to California with old Harvest mates Robby and Rahul, well as Robby's girlfriend Zastya. Robby and Zastya are German, and Rahul and I are Indian, so we have quite a good mix of people. It should be a lot of fun.

For the first part of our journey, we are heading to Chicago to get some Chicago-style pizza and pick up Rahul from the O'hare. I'm so stoked!

(*) The "Blitzkrieg" was a German war tactic that essentially involved conquering a region by quickly rolling over it with tanks. Since [A] some of us are German, [B] my Chevy Cavalier is a "tank" among compact cars, and [C] we are going to roll over much of America, I thought it was quite relevant.

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