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Journal frankie's Journal: Dear Fellow Republican (part 2) 3

Followup: last week I received a hand-stamped envelope from the RNC. Enclosed (without comment) was my survey form and my check (uncashed). Apparently at least one person in the RNC mailroom correctly interpreted my survey response. Total cost to the RNC: labor, paper & postage for 3 mailings (survey, reply, rejection). However...

On monday I received yet another machine-stamped envelope from the RNC. Enclosed was ... the SAME SURVEY again (with a new serial ID number). Apparently that clueful mailroom staffer didn't talk to a clueful database staffer and delete me. I quickly filled in the bubbles same as before, popped in the same 2 cent check, and off it goes with prepaid postage again.

p.s. Back on Valentine's Day I got a fundraising call from the DNCC. I had a grand time haranguing the guy over the Dems' spinelessness. No donation for you, not even 2 cents.

March 9, Followup to the followup: I received a 4th letter from the RNC yesterday, returning my second survey same as above. Will they go for the trifecta? To be continued...

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Dear Fellow Republican (part 2)

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Those who do things in a noble spirit of self-sacrifice are to be avoided at all costs. -- N. Alexander.
