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Media (Apple)

Journal Eugenia Loli's Journal: iPod leather cases == Unbelievable

This is just a major disservice to the Apple customer base. I mean, how the fuck is it possible for Apple to sell a leather case for iPods for a hundrend bucks? It probably costs Apple about $5 to make them and package them! To prove to you that this is a major raping of its customers, the iPod Nano leather case is not any cheaper than the iPod 5G case, even if the Nano case uses about 40% less leather. UPDATE: Haha, this one is cool.

For the rest of the products announced today by Apple, I commented at Thom's blog. The boombox/speaker idea is stupid in general, and the Mac Mini still has no microphone jack or a (faster) desktop hdd instead of a laptop one (although it now comes with a Line-In, thanks God).

On a different note, I might be getting the Dell Inspiron B120 laptop. Good value for the money. Only a firewire port is missing (I need it for my camcorder), I am happy with all its other features it comes with for just $499.

People will buy anything that's one to a customer.
