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Journal Timex's Wife's Journal: Got this from hubby...

Ocean or Lake? Lake... me no likey sharks

Pizza or Chinese? Italian.

Mansion or Penthouse? Mansion.

Have you been on a Jet Ski? No.

Are you afraid of clowns? No

How many brothers/sisters do you have? One sister.

Favorite band/group? Any symphony orchestra.

Baseball or football? Basketball (Go Celtics!)

Favorite brand of makeup? Physician's Formula.

Waffles or pancakes? Waffles if my grandmother makes 'em, pancakes if I do.

Do you have an iPod? No

Bike or scooter? Bike

Ever go in a hot air balloon? No.

How will you celebrate turning 21? I "celebrated" 21 by taking the day off from work and sleeping late.

What brand computer do you have? Several "hubby specials", read: my dh puts 'em together

How many times have you been to DisneyWorld? 100 times never

Favorite city? Don't know as I have one.

Ice cream or frozen yogurt? Ginger ice cream, oatmeal raisin cookie dough frozen yogurt.

Do you think you are fat? Not relatively speaking.

Ever throw up in a public place? Nope

Do you have a pool? Does the kiddie wader in the cellar count?

Ever drive a car? Not in the last two hours ;)

How many times a month do you go to the movies? TImes per month?!? Methinks the originator of this meme does not have small children. I have been to the movies exactly twice this YEAR.

Last movie you saw? "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe".

Who is your hero? Jesus Christ

How old are your parents? 55 and 50

What deceased person would you like to meet? Fred Rogers

Do you chew ice? No.

Have you been to California? No.

Last book you read? This would be more accurate for me if it asked the last book I consumed: I read books so quickly and voraciously that my husband calls me a book wolf. Recently I read: "Spindle's End" by Robin McKinley; and I am currently reading "Shadow Within" by Karen Hancock.

Favorite teacher? I had so many great ones I couldn't pick just one.

Do you like to go fishing? Um, I used to, but it's not something I care for all that much.

How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? Three.

How many of those do you regret? Two.

What is (WAS!!!) your average in school? A's and B's in high school, then 3.7 in college

Favorite professional team? Celtics.

Do you like mohawks? I am one, on both sides of my family. (Unless you are refering to the hairstyle, then no.)

How many pairs of shoes do you own? 7 (2 pr. sandals, 1 pr. flats, 1 pair heels, 1 pr. boots, 1 pr loafers and sneakers).

Do you floss? Yes.

Do you have braces? Use to.

Do you bite your nails? No.

What is your last thought before falling asleep? "Did I set the alarm clock?...Are the boys okay? ..."Is the door locked?"... "Did I cover the bird?..."Did I lower the thermostat?"...etc.

Do you fall in love easily? Only with Hubby, whom I fall more in love with every day.

Ever have a crush and they never knew? Once or twice

Do you babysit? Sometimes

Ever been shot at? Thankfully, no.

Do you work out/exercise? I like Tae-bo

Do you have 6 pack abs? Only when I stuff the recycling in my pants ;)

Do you consider yourself nice? Yes, unless I am trying to get my children to clean their room.

What movie character would you like to be? I'd rather be me.

Do you go to camp for the summer? The family goes to a local State Forest campground every year, yes.

Ever been bit by a snake? No

Have you been on a boat? Whale watching and deep sea fishing (yay me, I caught the anchor line!)

Name of friend you have known the longest? Christy.

Do you like jumping on a trampoline? Eh, not really

Ever break a bone? Nope.

Name of favorite Aunt/Uncle? Don't have a favourite. I have four though, Jeanne, Eileen, Richard, and Michelle

What is your ultimate job? Mom.

Do you want to walk on the moon? That would require me to be WAY too high up off the ground.

Can you name the seven dwarfs? Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy and Sneezy.

Favorite TV show? Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

Apples or oranges? Apples. Pink Lady apples, to be specific.

Favorite model of car? PT Cruiser.

Favorite flower? The Lucille Ball Rose.

Favorite color? Sage green and Violet.

Besides family, ever have someone of the opp sex in your bedroom? Yes.

Ever climb out your bedroom window? No.

Do you live in an apartment or house? Apartment.

How many times in the last month have you had the hiccups? At least four or five times (hiccoughs make me sick to my stomach).

Ever laugh so hard milk came out your nose? Yes. Only it was Pepsi and crushed ice. Watching a 30 pound, declawed cat bat a toy fox terrier around will do that to you.

How many cousins do you have? First cousins? Five.
Second cousins et al. ? At least a hundred (My mother's family is huge, one of her aunts had 22 children before she passed away.)

Do you believe in ghosts? No.

If you were a bird, what would you be? I think harpy eagles are pretty cool looking, but I think I'd probably be a cardinal or something.

Ever get stitches? No.

If you could, would you want to know what your future was going to be? I already do.

How many kids do you want to have? To paraphrase Bill Cosby, "I have three children because I do not want four."

If you could change your name, what would it be? I already changed it, when I married my dh.

Dogs or cats? Gerbils and Hamsters.

Who do you tell your problems to? My Heavenly Father and my husband.

Who can your tell your secrets to and know they won't tell? See last question.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, ask any mother and she'll tell you, "When I laid eyes on my baby, it was love".

Do you go to church? Yes.

Would you marry outside your religon? No.

Volleyball or tennis? Neither.

How many people were at your last party? Depends, if the question pertains to adult type dinner parties, then none. If one can include kid's birthday parties, 20.

Ever ride in a limo? Only for funerals.

Ever drink champagne? Yes and yucky.

Favorite dinner? Chicken and broccoli pasta alfredo

"You don't go out and kick a mad dog. If you have a mad dog with rabies, you take a gun and shoot him." -- Pat Robertson, TV Evangelist, about Muammar Kadhafy
