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Journal Tsunayoshi's Journal: "The" meme 3

Ocean or Lake? Ocean.

Pizza or Chinese? Chinese (I love wonton soup....)

Mansion or Penthouse? Penthouse

Have you been on a Jet Ski? No.

Are you afraid of clowns? Not unless they are of the "It" type

How many brothers/sisters do you have? 1 Brother

Favorite band/group? Nine Inch Nails for the win.

Baseball or football? Football, because it involves hanging with the guys and drinking.

Favorite brand of makeup? Haven't gone metrosexual yet.

Waffles or pancakes? waffles

Do you have an iPod? Not has a higher priority than yet another gadget.

Bike or scooter? Bike.

Ever go in a hot air balloon? Nope

How will you celebrate turning 21? About 11 years too late on that one

What brand computer do you have? Alienware

How many times have you been to DisneyWorld? DisneyWORLD, never....Disneyland, California about 6

Favorite city? Can I get back to this one after all of my summer European business trips?

Ice cream or frozen yogurt? Ice cream

Do you think you are fat? Fat? No. Need to lose a few and tone up, yes.

Ever throw up in a public place? Does filling the bathroom stall of an asian bar about 2 inches deep count?

Do you have a pool? Inflatable..for the kids of course.

Ever drive a car? Duh....

How many times a month do you go to the movies? Try to go at least once a month, makes for a cheap date with the wife.

Last movie you saw? Flightplan 2 days ago...good movie BTW

Who is your hero? Don't really have one.

How old are your parents? 55 and 52

What deceased person would you like to meet? Robert Heinlein

Do you chew ice? Can't stand ice chewers

Have you been to California? Does growing up from 1981-1992 in San Diego count?

Last book you read? And finished? Not sure, either something from Raymod Feist or Robert Jordan.

Favorite teacher? Ashraf Wadaa...1st CompSci instructor I had at my university. Didn't take crap from idiots in the class...most of them dropped after his first assignment.

Do you like to go fishing? Reference the football comment above

How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 2, married the 2nd one.

How many of those do you regret?

What is your average in school? Freshman 3.7, Sophomore 3.5, Junior, 3.2, Senior 2.1 (cumulative BTW)

Favorite professional team? none

Do you like mohawks? If I had some hair I might...I can pull a reverse mohawk though....

How many pairs of shoes do you own? Approx 6

Do you floss? Does the intent count?

Do you have braces? Still need them...damn cheapskate parents....

Do you bite your nails? I pick at them and rip them till they bleed usually.

What is your last thought before falling asleep? Why does the 5'2" wife take up SO MUCH FRICKIN ROOM IN THE BED!!!!!

Do you fall in love easily? No.

Ever have a crush and they never knew? All the time.

Do you babysit? Do my own kids count?

Ever been shot at? I was in the Marine Corps for almost 9 years...does staring at a bomb count?

Do you work out/exercise? Not since I couldn't afford going to the gym anymore...and the growing waistline is showing it.

Do you have 6 pack abs? if we go back in time to when I was 21...yes

Do you consider yourself nice? Not really.

What movie character would you like to be? Val Kilmer's character from Spartan.

Do you go to camp for the summer? Band Camp?

Ever been bit by a snake? No.

Have you been on a boat? Fishing and sailing.

Name of friend you have known the longest? Friend of mine who now lives 2 hours away...known since we were Marines back in 1993

Do you like jumping on a trampoline? After watching all of the trampoline mishap videos on the internet? Hell no....

Ever break a bone? Couple of stress fractures. And some guy's collarbone in wrestling in High School

Name of favorite Aunt/Uncle? Don't really know them.

What is your ultimate job? Retired mulit-millionaire

Do you want to walk on the moon? If I could afford it I would be using that Russian company's services as we speak.

Can you name the seven dwarfs? Gimli....don't know the rest

Favorite TV show? Battlestar Gallactica (the Sci-Fi version)

Apples or oranges? Either one

Favorite model of car? Anything with 4 doors, rear-wheel drive, a stick, and 250+ hp

Favorite flower?

Favorite color?

Besides family, ever have someone of the opp sex in your bedroom? yessirreeeee

Ever climb out your bedroom window? Climbed in when I forgot my keys....

Do you live in an apartment or house? House.

How many times in the last month have you had the hiccups? Haven't had in years I think.

Ever laugh so hard milk came out your nose? And soda, beer, etc...

How many cousins do you have? Somewhere around 10 I think. Havne't seen one since 2001.

Do you believe in ghosts? Up in the air

If you were a bird, what would you be? Eagle

Ever get stitches? Other than surgery, about 4-5 times. Ever take a jagged piece of metal to the face flung from across a backyard? I don't recommend it.

If you could, would you want to know what your future was going to be? Hell no, the present is bad enough. I want at least some hope I might get out of debt one day

How many kids do you want to have? About two less than I have...the person who said parenting wasn't easy wasn't lying.

If you could change your name, what would it be? Don't want to

Dogs or cats? Cats. They are independent...dogs are too damn clingy

Who do you tell your problems to? I don't, usually.

Who can your tell your secrets to and know they won't tell? My invisible friend.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Lust at first sight, nope.

Do you go to church? Not in quite awhile

Would you marry outside your religon? I am agnostic, everyone is outside my religion,

Volleyball or tennis? Volleyball.

How many people were at your last party? We don't have parties.....

Ever ride in a limo? Does riding one to the airport count?

Ever drink champagne? Yep.

Favorite dinner? This Iranian smorgasbord I had at a restaurant in Pakistan. Spiced mutton, various chops and breads with tons of yogurt sauces....always paid for it the next morning though. Plus, could feed 6 people till they were stuffed for the equivalent of $75 US.

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"The" meme

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  • Note, that this thing was 5 full pages long in my word processor.....
  • Where in Europe will you be going?
    • Currently I will be in Oberammergau, Germany [] the last week of March thru 1st week of April. If we keep losing people on our staff (me possibly being one of them...) I might get the 3rd spot to either Macedonia or Bucharest on a trip later in the summer/early fall.

      I will also be in South Asia (a country ending in "stan") pretty much all of July and some of August. Doesn't quite classify as Europe though.

If you can't understand it, it is intuitively obvious.
