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Journal bellus quies's Journal: Puppy Update 5

Well, we have the puppy home for a 10 day trial run before the dog rescue gives us the green light for the adoption.

The tally cleaned up so far from the apartment:
4 puddles of pee
1 pile of poo

And we have only had her for 6 hours.

She hasn't gone poo when we've walked her and just tinkles a bit in the shrubbery. Puppy training is a bitch. Wiping up warm urine makes me gag.

It makes me wonder if I'm ready to have a puppy yet.

(Did I mention that one of the pudles of pee was on the pillow right behind me while the puppy was sitting on the couch.)

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Puppy Update

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  • Dog owning isn't easy up front. Teaching a dog from a shelter can be tough (we got a 1 year old from the SPCA). Just gotta keep taking her out, and everytime she pees or poops (even if its just a little) give her a treat and make a fuss about how good she is, etc...

    When she pees or poops inside, put her nose down in it (not "in it", but close enough) and tell her 'no' and 'bad.'

    She'll get the hang of it more and more each day...
  • It sounds mean, if you don't understand dogs. Find a crate. Put the dog in it. Take the dog out to play some, but mostly take the dog out to take a walk. The dog will generally think of the crate as 'home' or 'den', and feel secure there.

    I'm probably explaining it poorly... google for it. :D
    • Ye we have a crate, and I read cover to cover the little manual that came with it because I don't know much about dogs or puppies. She's actualy in it right now just chiling and chewing her bone after a long walk. It worked really well last night, but the daytime she's still learning and she doesn't really show when she needs to go, she just squats.
      • Nulla spent a LOT of time in her crate some days. But it made her realize that inside is NOT where she's supposed to poop. :D
      • I've trained a LOT of dogs in my life. I know a many people who swear by crate training (including my friends that raise and breed labs) but I don't like it. I was helping TechnoLust with his puppy before it's unfortunate accident. If you want some tips/help/suggestions of what to do (and especially what not to do), hit me up on IM. I'm on yahoo, AIM, and MSN as abmoraz ( for MSN). SHoot me an IM and I'll give you a lot of tips.

        Be warned, some of the things that work best tug at the heart t

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