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Journal FidelCatsro's Journal: Madonna is a crazy bitch , Learn some Real Qabbalah 5

OK I have read a great deal of Qabbalist literature. I have studied the Science(more on that later , but it is science , very interesting topic , you would be surprised and not in the Mystical way you think) and philosophy of Qabbalah .
The Kabbalah Centre are a bunch of frauds on the same level as Scientology .
Except the Centre perverts any meaning inhering of Qabbalah .
Qabbalah has many crossovers with Taoism , and many others with Buddhism , it takes years to learn and understand.
Qabbalh can not help save your marriage , if you believe it literally then it helps you get closer to losing ego and being next to god .
I could go for hours about the less literal but I shan't

Lets just say , it is not a marriage councillor , that would be a normal Rabbis job .
It is not going to tell you the future or anything about Aliens.

Madonna , please just get a grip and actually read some qabbalah literature , try Rabbi Michael Laitman , the real leading figure in Qabbalah , as opposed to those frauds in the Kabbalist centre

Time to kill another bastard Scientology type cult

This discussion was created by FidelCatsro (861135) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Madonna is a crazy bitch , Learn some Real Qabbalah

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  • Take no offense, but my ignorant understanding of Kaballah is that it is the description of all the branches of the tree of life, the names of some important angels, and all the classifications and pecking order of the angels in heaven, and some numerology. This is probably making you roll around in laughter.

    • That is the nut job side ;) Chassidic so to speak .
      If you look at the boring face of it , then it does seem like the um "blubba blubba blubba " twirl head stuff .
      Personally I am more on the Maimonadien line of Philosophical rationalism , but I can see a great deal of value in the mystic for some things .
      I had a strange though once of the Tree of life , I could understand the deeper metaphor , may sound a little crazy and it was , but I could explain it rationally given a few hours/days.It was after several
    • All I know about Qabbalism is that Elie Wiesel the main character/author of the book Night(which is quite good) wanted to be a Qabbalist before getting taken away to Auschwitz.
      • IT depends on which way you want to approach it , as a way to find divine , as a way to meditate and de-stress or a way to understand philosophical thought of a generation of a religious group. ;) what it won't tell you is how to sort out your marriage
    • Hm wait , no I am just drunk ;D , No idea what I am on about , but calling Mad-onna a bitch it fun

"I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens." -- Woody Allen
