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Journal winkydink's Journal: The latest meme making the rounds

Ocean or Lake?
Lake. I have great memories of Long Lake in upstate NY from the late 70s

Pizza or Chinese?
Chinese, especially authentic Hunan

Mansion or Penthouse?
Mansion. With acreage

Have you been on a Jet Ski?

Are you afraid of clowns?

How many brothers/sisters do you have?
One older sister. One younger brother. Two younger sisters (one deceased)

Favorite band/group?
Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys

Baseball or football?

Favorite brand of makeup?
I've been known to use some La Pairie, eye puff/dark circle eliminator on long international trips

Waffles or pancakes?

Do you have an iPod?
No. Nor any other portable music player

Bike or scooter?

Ever go in a hot air balloon?

How will you celebrate turning 21?
Geez... There's a time machine that will allow me to travel backwards 26 years?

What brand computer do you have?
Apple/Dell/IBM/Sony I have lots of computers

How many times have you been to DisneyWorld?
I was married at DisneyWorlsd (I am not making this up)

Favorite city?
To live? Boston. To visit? Munich.

Ice cream or frozen yogurt?
Ice cream.

Do you think you are fat?
No. I know I am overweight by about 25 lbs.

Ever throw up in a public place?
Yup. And I've been thrown up upon in a public place. Just wait 'til you have kids.

Do you have a pool?
Does the inflatbale one for the kids count?

Ever drive a car?
Many, many cars, trucks, a snow cat in the Canadia Arctic and a 40ft RV several times each summer.

How many times a month do you go to the movies?
Netflix is my friend

Last movie you saw?
Uh, Toy Story 2. Oh, last grownup movie? Midnight Run. Is there such a thing as a bad DiNiro movie?

Who is your hero?
My dad, Larry Bird, and my old chocolate lab, Hershey, in that order

How old are your parents?
My mom's 83, dad's deceased, but would have been 80 and I miss him terribly.

What deceased person would you like to meet?
My paternal grandfather. He died when my dad was a boy.

Do you chew ice?
On occassion.

Have you been to California?
I have lived in California for the past 23 years

Last book you read? And finished?
Capital Murder by William Burnhart. Previous to that, Market Forces by Richard Morgan (stick to Kovacs, Dick), Cell by Stephen King and Broken Prey by John Sanford.

Favorite teacher?
High school French teacher, Mr Jourcin

Do you like to go fishing?
Yes. I'm teaching my 6 yr old boy, who, for his very first fish, landed a 22" 6lb rainbow trout. Try resetting those expecatations.

How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
Too many girfriends to count. I was single until age 37.

How many of those do you regret?
None. The all comprise some part of who I am today..

What is your average in school?
High. Very high.

Favorite professional team?
Minnesota Vikings.

Do you like mohawks?
They were a pretty proseperous tribe in upstate NY back in the day.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Probably a dozen or so.

Do you floss?
1-2x daily

Do you have braces?
No. I probably should have though, especially the lowers.

Do you bite your nails?
Unfortunately yes. Hard habit to break.

What is your last thought before falling asleep?
I tend to fall asleep reading.

Do you fall in love easily?
Not since meeting my wife. OK, I fell in love pretty easily with my kids too.

Ever have a crush and they never knew?
Oh yeah.

Do you babysit?
I'm told when their my kids, it's called "parenting". I get enough of it from my own two do even think about sitting for others.

Ever been shot at?
Yes. In anger.

Do you work out/exercise?
Nowhere near as much as I should.

Do you have 6 pack abs?
They're under there somewhere.

Do you consider yourself nice?
For the most part.

What movie character would you like to be?
Jack Ryan in Hunt for Red October.

Do you go to camp for the summer?
When I was a kid, yes. Now we RV.

Ever been bit by a snake?
Yes. It hurts.

Have you been on a boat?
Both and ships, yes. I used to crew for a friend with a great sailboat.

Name of friend you have known the longest?
Buddy of mine from when we were 13 or so.

Do you like jumping on a trampoline?
It's ok, but I don't usually look for trampoline opportunities.

Ever break a bone?
Yes. Right tibia near ankle at age 15.

Name of favorite Aunt/Uncle?
I really liked both my maternal Uncle Ed and my paternal Uncle Jack. Both deceased and I miss them both.

What is your ultimate job?
Challenging with an ability to make a big impact. I realize that I have just described the job of Human Cannonball.

Do you want to walk on the moon?

Can you name the seven dwarfs?
Goofy, Sloppy, Angry, Silly, Baldy, Itchy, Gassy, and Horny.

Favorite TV show?
Good Eats

Apples or oranges?
If Clementines count as an orange, then oranges, otherwise, apples.

Favorite model of car?
BMW E39 M5

Favorite flower?

Favorite color?

Besides family, ever have someone of the opp sex in your bedroom?
Yes. Our babysitter. No, my last name is not Kennedy.

Ever climb out your bedroom window?

Do you live in an apartment or house?

How many times in the last month have you had the hiccups?

Ever laugh so hard milk came out your nose?
Probably, but I don't remmeber.

How many cousins do you have?
Eight first cousins. One deceased.

Do you believe in ghosts?
Not until I see one.

If you were a bird, what would you be?
Some kind of raptor.

Ever get stitches?
Too many to count. I was a rough and tumble kid.

If you could, would you want to know what your future was going to be?
No. No point in getting up in the morning then.

How many kids do you want to have?
Two. My wife wants another, but we're done.

If you could change your name, what would it be?
I'm very happy with the one I have now.

Dogs or cats?

Who do you tell your problems to?
My wife.

Who can your tell your secrets to and know they won't tell?
My wife.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I ddi many times. The last time, it stuck. :)

Do you go to church?
No, and it kind of bothers me from time to time.

Would you marry outside your religon?
I would have, but ended up not doing so.

Volleyball or tennis?

How many people were at your last party?
Oh geez... about 40?

Ever ride in a limo?
Yes, the thrill is long gone.

Ever drink champagne?
From time to time. NV Veuve Clicquot is my favorite afforable champagne

Favorite dinner?
Red meat and gin (originally said by Julia Child)

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The latest meme making the rounds

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All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
