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Journal sielwolf's Journal: J Dilla... DEAD?!? RIP 6

WTF? Tuesday his album dropped and I was reading the Pitchforkmedia review that was plagerized from the Okayplayer boards... and now he's gone.

Jay Dee was a fantastic producer, doing work with such groups as A Tribe Called Quest, and Slum Village as well as solo and collaborative efforts with the likes of MF Doom. Shit, I still can't believe it. No guntalk, dope rap, burglary madness. Dude is just gone. Makes no sense some times.

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J Dilla... DEAD?!? RIP

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  • sucks.

    So I figured it out this morning: LCD Soundsystem's "Too much Love" is a Talking Heads song!! Totally and completely. Just play that bass-drum-ish sounding bass line on an actual 4 string, and you've got it. Part "Moon Rocks", part "Once in a lifetime", part most-anything off of Remain in Light... its a talking heads song. I'm quite proud of that realization.

    Re: Some of those Powder Burns songs: First off, that "Sunday Bloody Sunday" gives me nightmares. ACK. Hecate gets better and better, and I
    • Heh, now listening to it I can see the TH sound in there. Of course its stuff like that which makes me A) like James Murphy but B) also makes it completely derivative in a nice tribute sort of way but still non-original so I'm not going to give it huge ups (and one of the reasons why it didn't make it into my Best of 2005 list).

      I actually think I've given you Hecate's catalog in reverse. I still think Seven Veils is her most complete album. I'm looking forward to her album which should (hopefully) drop t
      • Of course its stuff like that which makes me A) like James Murphy but B) also makes it completely derivative in a nice tribute sort of way

        Yup yup. D'accord.

        I actually think I've given you Hecate's catalog in reverse. I still think Seven Veils is her most complete album.

        I think you might be right, but that doesn't diminish her other stuff.

        Glass Domain was the predecessor to Dopplereffekt (then Der Zyklus, Arpanet and Japanese Telecom) so any similarities are genetic.
        Oh! Okay then! You didn't give me hiccup
        • Oh, so you got to experience the lame "The snow fell on Saturday but we would have felt bad for the kids if they didn't get a snow day so... hell, let's cancel school on Monday!"

          I think the entire measurements were BS. frontpage had North Columbria with 20+ inches... which shows folks around here don't know how to count snowfall. Sure, it drifted maybe to that, but it was probably nothing more than a good 7 to 8 inches tops on unpreturbed flat ground. The roads and complex parking lots were clear
          • didn't stop the Real Maryland Men from going out and shoveling from behind their cars and proving their machismo by moving a few cubic feet of snow. Pbbfft. I just drove right over that shiz in my CIVIC EX. HONDO POWERRDX!

            Funny story from 3 years ago about my old neighbor JJ Mulrocker (so named, because he had JJJ in his license plate, and there is a restaurant nearby called JJ Muldoons (You pass it on your way to the grove, probably), and thus the name.) who moved a few cubic feet of snow from around his F

A CONS is an object which cares. -- Bernie Greenberg.
