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Journal Allen Zadr's Journal: [Geek] NIC Issue and GPLv3 Draft 1 2

NIC issue is resolved. It was the whole switch, not just a port. I don't know why ... especially why I don't seem to have this problem on other computers ... but moving this PC to a different (and newer) switch fixed the issue.

Quick Review of Draft 1 of the GPLv3

Not even close. The problems I have with this Draft License are clearly deliberate, and are repeated (or reinforced) throughout the document. My problems with the document, include both of the primary changes in the document itself.

The theme of the GPL, especially when compared to version 2, is No Digital Restrictions Management (DRM), with No Software Patent Restrictions running a close second. These first make their respective introductions in Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Preamble.

The (DRM) restrictions would equally restrict person-to-person encryption methods, including encryption for Instant Messages or Emails.

The Software Patent Restrictions would force any entity that distributes a GPLv3 work to automatically license all of their current and future patent portfolio to anyone who receives a copy of that GPLv3 work. This license must happen for all patents held, regardless of the current or future patent being demonstrated within that work.

There are two parts of this document, that are different from the GPLv2 that I do like. Section "7. License Compatibility", clarifies the difference between separately licensed, bundled work, and a derivative work. Section "9. Not A Contract", clarifies that one is not bound by the license term unless they plan to modify or distribute the covered work.

However, This document is not ready. Not even close.

This discussion was created by Allen Zadr (767458) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[Geek] NIC Issue and GPLv3 Draft 1

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