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NES (Games)

Journal sielwolf's Journal: The Weather Automatic

Rain, thunder and wind kept me inside today.
But later,
I went out
to see the world disappearing.
Fog had fallen
And all the shapes were indistinct,
Better: tenuous
on the dark navy canvas
where the earth
and the sky were unbroken;
they did not end.

February, fog, and 48 degrees;
Executive summary
of my Mid-Atlantic character.

A deer buck
in the oncoming lane.
Pairs of red tail lights flare
in my rearview
as the speeding cars
his mangled corpse.

It is night now:
this world is almost done.
Only parking lots lamps and signaled intersections
hover above us
casting watery halos over the

On the way back
the deer buck had moved
half-tumbled, rolled over
half of his horn splintered onto the ground.
The blood on his chin.

Incondescent red
street lights
or white flourescents
perched at doorways;
watch the windows:
each and every one of them glows.
a woman's silhouette.

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The Weather Automatic

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