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Journal Upsilon Andromedea's Journal: Flagrancy

Flagrant, yes. Weekly supported argument, yes. But it is not a "Troll," an attempt to mess with the readers. The author is trying to say something. Maybe "Flamebait" for not putting more work into reasoning.

Re:The mouse click heard 'round the world?

by - on Wednesday December 14, @05:22PM (#14260677)

The current administration is extremely militant, party with cause, and party without cause. Their ideology is based on 'first strike' principles - on elimiting potential threads as they surface. It is only logical to assume that this ideology extends to all possible fronts.

This administration is also profoundly corrupt and incompetent. Since 9/11 it has squandered world sympathy, bungled the war on terrorism, created the kind of havoc in the Middle East that can only be beneficial to terrorists, and leaked national security secrets in order to settle petty political squabbles. I certainly hope you are wrong that this administration's tunnel-vision ideology and thoroughgoing incompetence extends to cyberspace too, but if the past few years are any guide, we might as well give up the cyberwar now.

Original Discussion: Cyber Attacks on US Linked to Chinese Military?

Rating: Troll.

This rating is Unfair | See Context

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