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Journal memfree's Journal: 3 movie quickies - no real news

Only thing passing for 'news' is my hatred of PMS. I mention this because you'd think it'd influence which movies I like, but it happens that of the last 3 movies seen, the one I liked most was viewed while PMSing. It was the ONLY good thing that happened that day.

There is a 4th movie to mention, but it can't be handled quickly. That one will be on PBS eventually, and is titled "Two Towns of Jasper". More on that later. Here are the significant three in reverse order (most recent 1st).

3) "How I Killed My Father" was a really good movie. I highly recommend this one. The 'hero' is a cold, selfish prick who doesn't trust his cold, selfish father. There are little details in the acting that made me feel like I was watching the actors' brains click. The film succeeded in conveying nuance and in making details obvious with only the fewest hints -- things I wanted desperately to happen in "I'm Going Home", but that never ocurred.

2) "I'm Going Home" was the most painful 'art' flick I've seen in a while. It seemed to be shot with no money, and a cameraman-in-training. Here's a tip for the crew: movies are primarily VISUAL -- move the freakin' camera! I DON'T want to see the lead's back for 5 minutes straight, nor his shoes, nor shadows in his home's interior. It is DULL.

1) "Mostly Martha" is a fine little flick, but the emphasis is on 'little'. It couldn't decide whether it wanted to be a romantic comedy or a tragic drama. I loved its look, but after an interesting start, it lost me when impossble things started occurring. People who should AVOID each other become friends. People who should cling to each other seperate. It *is* watchable; pleasant, even. Just not believable.

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3 movie quickies - no real news

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With your bare hands?!?
