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Journal sielwolf's Journal: 250 Years of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 9

250 years. I'm usually more of a Schubert or a Dvoák guy but I got to give W.A. a tip of the hat (as compared to a wag of the finger).

Anyway, in honor to the man, I'm going to nod my hat at Civilization IV and its scene-setting music. Now the series has always been pretty top-notch when it comes to matching eras to music but in 4 they did something interesting (which I only just noticed in my last game): as now there is the Music tech, music doesn't play until it is discovered. And once that happens the first thing you here is this sort of a-rhythmic clapping. After a bit it finds a beat and then the game grows into a world-ish folk that defines the ancient era. Pretty cool little thing that goes on in the background, dependent on gameplay, and helps set the mood. Just a bit of immersion that doesn't involve indistinguishible improvements in shader technology or whatever.

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250 Years of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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  • I'm not actually much of a classical fan, though I do greatly enjoy Baroque and Romantic composer - those eras on either side of the Classical era. Funny, huh?
    • Mozart is well worth the listen. I mean, he wrote the timeless tune used for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star fer cryin out loud! He was the Beatle of his generation. :-)

      Seriously though, Mozart is very good and deserves your attention.

      • Agree. it's been a number of years now, and I still can't get over how good The Marriage of Figaro is, for exmaple. Mozart was tightly connected to something special. That he was friends with Haydn and met the young Beethoven tells me that Europein the late 18th century had its Geist working. There was something special in the European air in those days. For me, I hear this most clearly in Haydn's music, but Mozart had his won unique take on it.

      • I have Mozart's Requiem and enjoy it.

        As a trumpet player, I prefer composers who wrote for brass, like Tchaikovsky and Wagner. I can appreciate other "classical" music, but get maximum enjoyment when I hear lots of trumpets :-)
  • Have you ever considered reviewing older albums?

    Like say...Metallica Ride the Lightning, or Def Leppard's Hysteria or Pyromania or something like that?

    Would you consider it?

    I think it would rock.
    • Hmm. Right now I'm driven by what I buy. I'd love to. It'd give me an excuse to break out older albums and talk about some classics in the back of the catalog. I guess it just comes down to a time thing (i.e. what I can invest in writing online as compared to what I get paid for doing it ;) If I buy older albums I'll talk about them, that's a given. But, I dunno. It'd be fun, I must admit.

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