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Journal Allen Zadr's Journal: Zadr Media Blitz - Mostly TV comments 16

Listening to public radio thismorning, I heard a silly song by a guy by the name of Dave Frisherg. The song is "Blizzard of Lies", but that's not the point. Turns out, I've liked this guy's music since I was a kid. He wrote the School House Rocks song, "I'm Just a Bill." Who'd a thunk it...

Ashley Williams has got to be the hottest woman on television. She's not just "a bod" like Eva Longoria (another in my top 5). She's the 'current love' interest on "How I met your mother", back in '02 she was on "Good Morning Miami". My wife even calls her "adorable"... Maybe I can get a "pass" (joke).

My wife was watching American Idol last night, and I had nothing important enough to do as an excuse to go away. Oh my, that show really sucks. Painfully so. What the heck did they give so much time to the triple-muffin-top girl for? Gah!

I've finally reached my CSI overload. I really like Gary Sinese as an actor, but can't stand CSI: NY. Gah. Sad thing is, I really liked the original CSI show for the first, oh I don't know, like four years. Jorja Fox was on my top five for almost a year, then we found out how weird she is in real life. Now, I get a tired feeling when I see it's on again.

Boston Legal is a show I want to like. It's just too difficult to watch consistantly. I guess part of it is the collection of "once famous" actors that are on the show. I really like some of these people. Yet, the show is not exciting. It feels like a re-worked, but slower version of L.A. law. Someone going to offer Jimmy Smits a slot among the rest of the cast? Seems like a perfect fit to me.

Shows I Do Watch

House (yeah, American Idol has taken it's timeslot, and House is on vacation) - I'll probably get sick of it (yet another medical show), but it's been entertaining so far.

Three and a Half Men. It's just, well, funny. Seeminly most folks agree, so ... 'nuff said.

How I Met Your Mother. I don't yet know what to make of the show. As a concept it's good, and it's got my attention, and for the next four episodes... it'll have my attention anyway. Lots of talented actors - but it's one of those shows that I don't think will be able to stay fresh for long.

Love Monkey. Third episode was last night. I've got to say... it's amuzing. I never watched "Ed", but I suppose I should have. The only thing that annoys me about the show is that former ExNineOhTwonno's Jason Priestley... Looking as overstuffed as James Spader (in character for Boston Legal). Hmph.

Lost. If I miss an episode though, it's no big deal. I just have to figure out the TWO EVENTS that occurred during the previous HOUR LONG show, and I'm fully up to speed. It's starting to get weird though, I'm just not sure if it'll be a good weird or a "Signs" - the creature at the end looks like a stupid rubber body suit - weird.

This discussion was created by Allen Zadr (767458) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Zadr Media Blitz - Mostly TV comments

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  • Did you see last week's? "How long would it take to train an army?"

    • Yes, yes I did. Somehow, I think that's an enormously stupid idea. The other's are probably going to be true to their word, and leave Micheal alone - as it's clear to them that Michael has a clear reason to search them out. I think they could have been able to negotiate keeping a gun or two, though.

      • nod; that's an INSANE idea when you don't have the raw material, don't know who your enemy is, and how many they are, what their intentions are, etc.

        It's a horrifically bad idea, and I hope Anna Lucia tells him so.

        Although WHY the "Others" wouldn't let walt/michael/etc. LEAVE on their raft, and instead killed and captured people... it doesn't make much sense, either.
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Luckily if you miss an episode, I have just the site for you []. Links to brief episode descriptions, as well as every weird little detail that you probably didn't see. Like apparently the shark circling the raft parts had a logo on it???

    It is getting weird, and I keep feeling like I am going to be horribly disappointed in the end, but I still have hope.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • What's weird about Jorja Fox? I'm way out of touch with American network TV right now.
  • I should probably not admit this.

    Last night, I watched two hours of "Flavor of Love" on VH1. OMFG. It was so awful, but...I...could...NOT...turn away!

    I blame The Plague, which came all the way from Boston to make my respiratory system its bitch.
    • That's even worse than the gem shopping network!

      (I miss cable)

      • Yesterday he had them all make fried chicken for him.

        One of the harem took the whole chicken, stabbed two whole carrots into it, tossed on some Chow Mein noodles and a marshmallow, and then put it in the microwave on the "chicken" setting (which is generally for defrosting, but what do I know?).
        • 1. He has a harem?

          2. That has to be the best recipe for fried chicken I have ever read.

          3. Did he have to eat any of it?

          • While not technically a harem, he does have a gaggle of females eager to please him (until they are eliminated). One night, three of them went into his room wearing the skankiest of "pajamas" and slept in his bed.

            No he didn't eat any of it. It was raw. A whole chicken (we're talking giblets and everything- she didn't in any way change the chicken from the state in which it came) in the microwave on defrost for 2 minutes?! And also, his mom was there for the chicken judging. I can't believe that woman wa
        • Yeah, like Jane said...
          "Inquiring minds want to know!"
  • I don't watch much (prime-time) TV, so I didn't even know who Ashley Williams was.

    Currently the #1 most beautiful woman on the planet is Kate Beckinsale []. In the Underworld movies she looks a little "vampy" [ :-) ], but she made #1 of my top 5 in Serendipity.
    • She's cute, but she doesn't stick with me. (Funny Minnie Driver did in a similar viewing experience). Perhaps the Serendipity character was just a little too flaky, and "character personality" has a lot to do with my internal list.
      • Heh, a little? "We've hit it off, but let's purposely not exchange any contact info, and see if fate will have us bump into each other again some time, for only then can I know it's true love"! <rolls eyes>

        On a related note, as chance would have it :-), she was on Leno last night, which I don't normally tune in for, but happened to be in front of the tv at the time and channel surfing by. Stunning as ever. Witty as well.

The more cordial the buyer's secretary, the greater the odds that the competition already has the order.
