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Journal Allen Zadr's Journal: [IT Geek Question] Backup Solutions 14

I'm looking for a backup solution. I would like it to run on Linux, but it at least has to be able to back up Linux. More importantly, I want it to be able to deal with remote XP laptops, devices that are not seen in the office for 6 months at a time - and be able to deal with full recovery (i.e. insert boot disk, tell it where the recovery image is, userid and password - and start restoring - assuming a brand-new store-bought hard-drive.)

This discussion was created by Allen Zadr (767458) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[IT Geek Question] Backup Solutions

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  • Preserve bandwidth, expend remote CPU:

    ssh "tar cfvzp - / --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/tmp/*" >

    Expend bandwith, conserve remote CPU:

    ssh "tar cfvp - / --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/tmp/*"| gzip -

    Wrap with logic as necessary.
  • Depending on scale/needs you might be looking at BakBone: / []

    I am VERY happy with Acronis. They have TrueImage Enterprise Server - hosted on Windows. It can make bootable "recovery ISOs" for imaging and restoring. It performs block-level differencing, like a SAN. Works on Linux partitions. No remote Linux "agent" daemon: n/ []

    Acronis has a TrueImage for Linux servers as well, now. Haven't seen it - but I'm
    • Acronis... I've een to these pages.. what sort of support do they have for remote clients? I would need remote laptops to be able to send backup data to a central server. Just like Retrospect, I like the bare-metal restore option (and the Linux core percs my techie mind, too!

      Bakbone is new to me, so I'll be reading that next.

      • Gosh. Connectivity is connectivity. I'm not sure of your scenarios for remote - beyond the six-month "away time".

        You can DL all th eAcronis stuff on trial. It's pretty easy to play with. Almost dumb. If you ever had your nights ruined with Legato!
        • Well, for instance, connectivity is only possible on Retrospect if I can offer my user a permanent IP. Of course, most of these users are at a different client site and/or hotel connection every week (and some of these places don't route network 52 (VPN) traffic. It's a requirement of the server side for that product... I may have to download the Acronis stuff, to see what's possible there.

          Otherwise, still reading about what's possible under BakBone.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Sam, on hold with Dantz now (on Ellem's suggestion). Here's my questions...

      Yes, I'll need remote backup. The initial customer service person thinks it can't be done. What do you know? Gobs of info appeciated.

      I like the bare-metal restore options (as .. what's good about backup if there's no decent restore). Also - is there anything to hold down the bandwidth of a remote backup (if it's possible)?

      Basically I want to avoid ArcServe (which has great remote support, but no bare-metal restore opti

  • I'm not sure about the remote XP laptop part - but if you have a permanent linux server with an attached tape drive, you might want to look at amanda. It is free, definitely works with linux, and can backup windows hosts via SAMBA. []

    This may be a better solution for data backup, compared to laptop ghosting, etc. for OS recovery.

    • With laptops staying offsite for extended periods.. I need an agent that can push to a central server (not just a central server that can pull from an agent). I've looked at Bacula, and have that on my "to test list" - as it has a client agent that might be more robust... I hate to use something that is soooo "do it yourself" though, especially when I have budget. ;-)

      • In that case you could try Veritas Backup Exec. It is fairly sophisticated, and more importantly I have it running here, so I could try out an agent-triggered backup, if it turns out to have other basic features that you need.

        • So far, BakBone is a front-runner (partly, because they responded to my inquiry quickly, and they haven't had a "kill" answer to any question).

          I will be looking into Veritas in the morning though, probably pretty early.

If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.
