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Journal bellus quies's Journal: 5 years ago... 1

Taken in part from a friend's reply to her questions...

5 years ago where were you?
5 years ago where did you think you would be now?
And in 5 years where do you think you will be?

Well, five years ago I had a semester left in College. I was about to graduate with my Masters in Civil Engineering and I was looking for a job up in Seattle. Why Seattle, well because I wanted to try somewhere new and didn't know where and my sister thought Seattle was cool so I decided to try to get a job there. One main reason why I got my Masters was that I was scared to go out into the "real world" and stayed in school the extra year to finish that.

The main difference between 5 years ago and today was that I was still Mormon. I went to a religious school and all my close family was staunchly religious as well. I was just barely rebuilding my relationship with my dad because he wasn't Mormon and was very upset that I choose BYU to attend for college and didn't even apply to another university. I didn't know what I wanted to be in 5 years, other than the Mormon ideal of get married and have a family.

Where I am now...well first off I'm not mormon anymore and made that hard decision 3 years ago to leave the church, and just last fall wrote to have my name officially taken off their records. I have difficulty relating with my extended family now because they are still very religious and there's that whole stigma attached to me that I fell from grace because I choose not to be a part of their religion any more. I get harassed by my grandparents, as they still send me religious material, because they know that they're right and it would just be a matter of time before I see the light and choose to come back. I haven't told any of that side of my family that I wrote the letter, because when I first decided to not be mormon and told my mom I was thinking of taking my name off she started crying, because in their eyes taking my name off is relegating myself to hell.

Where I am now I would never have anticipated at all 5 years ago; living with my loving boyfriend, unmarried, no kids, and taking a chance moving out to Texas with him. I've grown as a person and view life very differently, and now try not to take anything as unquestionable and a given. As I know that if anything, life is about change and growth. And pigeonholing myself in a certain role will stymie that growth process.

5 years from now...I hope that I've grown as a person and am different than I am today. I hope that I will have many learning experiences and loving memories to look back on. I hope that in another 5 years I'll look back and wonder how I got here.

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5 years ago...

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