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Journal subgeek's Journal: rooibos tea ice cream 8

if you haven't had the pleasure of trying rooibos tea, you're missing out. you can read about it here.

this is adapted from a green tea ice cream recipe.

the recipe i chose says it makes "one generous quart," but that's how much it makes before it is churned. it was slightly more than i should have put into my 1.5 quart ice cream maker. you might want to half this or churn it in two batches if your ice cream maker has less than two quarts of capacity. or you can do what i did and take a large scoop of it out and eat it when it gets to be too much for ice cream maker.

here is what you need:

8 large egg yolks
3/4 cup plus two tbsp sugar (or 1 cup minus two tbsp, or 7/8 cup)
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1/2 cup loose rooibos tea
2 1/2 cups heavy cream
1 tsp vanilla extract (added because it goes with the rooibos so well)

here is what you do:

in a mixing bowl, beat the egg yolks. then add the sugar and salt and combine thoroughly.

put the milk into a saucepan and scald it. remove from heat. add loose rooibos tea. cover and allow to steep for 5 to 6 minutes. strain through fine mesh sieve into a new pot.

add the heavy cream and vanilla extract. bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. add 1/3 of this mixture to the egg yolk mixture while whisking. this is called tempering the egg yolks, which means bringing the temperature up slowly to keep the eggs from scrambling. mix it thoroughly and then add it back to the pot. cook mixture until it coats the back of a spoon, about 5 minutes.

strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve into a clean, sealable container. put this into the refridgerator until completely cool. i cooled it overnight, but i suppose you could get it cold enough in a couple hours. the colder it is before it freezes, the better.

crank up your ice cream maker and slowly add the mixture. let it churn until you get the sound of the ice cream maker to change, probably about 25-30 minutes. transfer to plastic container with lid and put it into the freezer to harden. a few hours should do it.

tasty. if you wanted this to be green tea ice cream instead, follow the same directions replacing the rooibos with green tea and omitting the vanilla.

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rooibos tea ice cream

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  • And also to say: maybe now people will stop getting all saucer-eyed when I say that the ice cream I made contains 8 egg yolks.

    Anyway...I made tuxette's Mango Sherbet last week, and everybody absolutely must try it. I altered the recipe to serve more people:

    2 mangoes, peeled and such. Or however many it takes to get 450 g of mango flesh.
    2 egg yolks
    3 Tbs lemon juice
    135 g sugar
    300 mL half and half

    Puree the above in food processor until smooth.
    Stir in 100 mL heavy cream.

    Takes 40 minutes in ice cream maker.

  • I'm afraid I must disagree vehemently. I very much dislike rooibos tea, and wonder what on Earth is so wonderful about it.

    It's been quite the fad here for the last five years or so (either called "Rooibos" or Germanized to "Rotbusch"), and I've been utterly mystified by it the whole time.

    Give me my PG Tips or Twinings or gunpowder tea or chai any day. Rooibos? Blech.



    • you don't like a lot of good things. it's part of your nature as an evil overlord. rooibos is simply too good for your evil tastebuds.

      if you like the flavour or black and green tea, i really can't see what could possibly be offensive about rooibos. unless perhaps what you like is the bitterness of the high tannin levels.

      (it might have been a fad at one point in time, but five years shows some staying power.)
      • it might have been a fad at one point in time, but five years shows some staying power.

        I'm still waiting for this Internet thing to die down.



      • Oh, one other thing: Actually, I like to sweeten my tea and don't like it too bitter (I like it strong and sweet, not bitter). If it's bitter, it's been brewing way too long.

        I think what I don't like about rooibos is that it has this sort of blandness to it -- a flat flavor. It's hard for me to even consider it "tea", even less so than herbal teas. Black and green teas have a richness and fullness to the flavor that I find totally lacking in rooibos. In fact I've noticed that rooibos teas sold in stores a

        • maybe you're not brewing it long enough. it should steep for at least five minutes, opposed to three for black/green tea. it does taste bad when it's weak.
          • You dare question my tea-brewing ability?

            I'll have you know that I have an honorary doctorate in teabagology from this really cool online college I heard about via e-mail.


            Dr. Ethelred Unraed, TD

"The Avis WIZARD decides if you get to drive a car. Your head won't touch the pillow of a Sheraton unless their computer says it's okay." -- Arthur Miller
