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Journal Keith Russell's Journal: Ugh! Memes!

Oh, shit. There goes the planet.

A - Accent: I don't know where yinz guys get the idea in yer head that Picksburghers got a funny accent, 'n'at.
B - Breakfast: Bowl of cereal, glass of milk. Today was Cheerios.
C - Chore you hate: Folding laundry. I don't mind the rest of the process, just the segregation of underwear and matching of socks. If I didn't have prospective buyers traipsing in and out of my <mumble>still unsold</mumble> house, the whites would stay in the laundry basket.
D - Dad's Name: Edward
E - Essential everyday item: Corrective lenses.
F - Flavour ice cream: Rocky Road
G - Gold or Silver?: It's not Gold XOR Silver, so I'll say TRUE.
H - Hometown: Pittsburgh. (See A.)
I - Insomnia: What is this "sleep pattern" you speak of?
J - Job Title: Senior code monkey
K - Kids: None.
L - Living arrangements: House. For sale. In a dead real estate market. With a nicer house already lined up. Which is contingent on the sale of the current house. But I'm not bitter.
M - Mom's birthplace: Pittsburgh. (See A, but with an even thicker accent.)
N - Number of significant others you've ever had: Knock knock! "Who's there?" Nunya! "Nunya who?" Nunya damn business!
O - Overnight hospital stays: None yet. (Knocks wood)
P - Phobia: Spiders.
Q - Queer?: I've been called "odd", even "eccentric", but never "queer".
R - Religious Affiliation: Presbyterian.
S - Siblings: None.
T - Time you wake up: About 10 minutes after I get to work.
U - Unnatural hair colours you've worn: Me and the other tuba player decided to dye our hair school colors for the homecoming bonfire. A Flock Of Seagulls, only green and gold.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: Pickled beets. I'm OK with other pickled things, and beets aren't bad, depending on how they're used. But pickled beets are some harmonic convergence of nasty whose odor alone will chase me from the room.
W - Worst habit: Cracking my knuckles.
X - X-rays you've had: Each ankle, twice.
Y - Yummy: Good Italian food.
Z - Zodiac sign: Geekus, the sign of the geek, with the LEDs of his Belt Of Many Gadgets glittering in the night sky, clue-by-four at the ready to beat back the... huh? Orion? What, so now you're an astronomer? Geez.

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Ugh! Memes!

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