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Journal rdewald's Journal: 1st Obligatory Drunken JE of 2006 1

I just got in from a party at which I was the only American. There were Koreans, Philipinos, Germans, French (who brought the champagne and did the cooking, thank God), Peruvians, Indians, Egyptians, and me. Very interesting evening for me, we turned on the TV at 23:58 and watched the ball drop, and then turned it back off and kept aruguing about films, politics, educations, sex, books, and art. The food was great.

These people from other countries, they think we should stop using oil so much. They have a point.

So, Happy New Year to my slashdot circle, I think I should probably go to bed, turn off the lights and use less oil.

This discussion was created by rdewald (229443) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

1st Obligatory Drunken JE of 2006

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  • Yup, you should... but well, if you do that, how can we continue bashing you guys, eh? ;-) Happy New Year Richard!

If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
