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Journal frankie's Journal: Argh, asking for help with four Mac questions 1

Oops, just one more thing...
  1. Our poor SchoolHouse Rock DVD is finally skipping from repeated abuse. MacTheRipper pulled a clean copy to my HD, but it's 6.8GB and I only have a single-layer burner. What's the best method to compress it down to 4.7GB? I'm hoping there's something less annoying than VOB to DV to iMovie to iDVD (which probably won't even work due to the arbitrary iDVD duration limit). I do have a QuickTime Pro registration if that's needed, and if possible I'd like to strip out the warnings, previews, intro screen, etc.
  2. We're finally going to attach our music collection (ripped 160k MP4 AAC, ~15GB total) to the stereo... somehow. Copies currently reside on my PowerBook and on our G4 tower in the basement. I suppose we could buy Airport Express and some sort (ideas please?) of remote control device for the G4. Or we could buy an external HD for our old iBook (aka car DVD player) and somehow convince iTunes (or some other mp4 player?) to accept an external music library. Or we could buy some sort of dedicated mp4 server box, if such things exist for $200 or less. Suggestions?
  3. All the manuals and FAQs say that OSX Finder burns CDs as ISO9660. Mine burn as HFS+ with no option to choose formatting, which is kinda sorta USELESS when I'm trying to ship data to PCs. What's going on?
  4. My organization has an enterprise license for Norton Antivirus. After the vulnerability I don't mind keeping it around, but I want to turn off the resident AutoProtect. Removed it from loginwindow.plist, killed the processes, etc, but it keeps coming back. How do I stake its black & yellow heart?

Thanks in advance. If no one here can answer, I'll try, Usenet CSM*, maybe Or your suggestions for a better Mac help site?

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Argh, asking for help with four Mac questions

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  • I have it, it works well, but you alos weill need the cable set that Apple sells. Combine it with iTunes sharing, and you can use your ibook or even Win laptop in the living room to see what's playing or skip, etc.. Or you can use the little remote that Kensington sells for Airport Express (plugs into the USB port), and I can attest, works fine.

There is very little future in being right when your boss is wrong.
