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Journal Kymermosst's Journal: Submission: Little Red Book Lie

I case this doesn't get posted by one of the editors:

The student who claimed he was visited by government agents after requesting an interlibrary loan of Mao's "Little Red Book" is now admitting it was a lie. From the article: "The 22-year-old student tearfully admitted he made the story up to his history professor, Dr. Brian Glyn Williams, and his parents, after being confronted with the inconsistencies in his account." Slashdot covered the original story. Of course, some of us never believed it in the first place...

I suspect that last sentence may be the one the gets edited out or prevents it from being posted... but hey, how could I not say: I TOLD YOU SO!

Update: Not even 15 minutes later: 2005-12-28 03:20:18 Little Red Book Claim was a Hoax (Politics,Privacy) (rejected)

How shocking.

Update 2: At least they mentioned it in a Slashback.

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Submission: Little Red Book Lie

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